MINUTES: Regular Meeting of the University Senate

DATE: March 24, 2017

TIME AND PLACE: 1:10 p.m., Multipurpose Room, College Avenue Student Center, New Brunswick Campus

MEMBERS PRESENT:   Alizadeh, Anaele, Ardeshna, Artun, Balaguru, Barbarese, Barchi, Bekdash, Benford, Boikess, Borisovets, Boruchoss, Bradshaw, Bugel, Chandler, Chang, Chayko, Collins, Cotter, Craig, Cutler, Dana, Dane, Dasari, Davis, Desai, Deshpande, Detloff, DiVito, Dreyer, Edwards, Fitzgerald-Bocarsly, Fox, Gillett, Glover, Goh, Gursoy, Hart, Heckscher, D. Hughes, Huselid, Jackson, A. Johnson, Joo, Joseph, Kalan, Kelly, Kelshikar, Kouraeva, Krapivin, Kustka, Krutyansky, LaPointe, Lattime, Lee, Jane Lewis, Levy, Linz, Lutz, Maloney, Marchetta, Marchick, Markert, Markosian, Mazurek, Miranti, Moran, Moseray, Norville, O'Connell, Okada, Oleske, Oliver, O'Neill, Otto, Pagan, Pandey, Pappas, Pirrello, C. Potter, Powell, Puhak, Rabinowitz, Rivera, Romanchuk, Roth, Rothpletz-Puglia, Rozenberg, Salazar, Saltzman, Samant, Schneider, Scoloveno, C. Scott, K. Scott, Serrano, Settles, Shapses, Sheflin, Shinbrot, Soto, Spiegel, Sulley, Szatrowski, Taillefer, Thomson, Thompson, Thornton, Toney-Boss, Torres, Van Stine, Wakim, Wagner, Zurlo

EXCUSED:  Bhuyan, Bridgeman, Burley, Edward, Esposito, Field, Flores, Gould,  Junboonta, Mammis, McKeever, Mouradian, A. Patel, Pintar,  Schwartz, Shinn, Stepleton, Winkler

ABSENT:   Barone, Brunson, Bubb, Butterfield, Cahill, Calabrese, Cantor, Carrasco, Charles, Chen, Clark, Corio, Collado-Garrido, Conway, Cooper, Covington, Delnevo, Diaz, Dizon, Drachtman, Eastman, Eisenstein, Farmbry, Farris, Feldman, Fletcher, Gabriel, Ganesh, Goodman, Goswami, Gower, Gross, Haddon, Hayton, Holzemer, J. Hughes, Iannini, Jaffry, Janniger, Joergensen, D. Johnson, R. Johnson, Kaptan, Kukor, Kuzma, Langer, Lei, Leibman, Jan Lewis, Lindenmeyer, Lugg, Mahon, March, Marcone, Martinez, Meck, Nasr, Nissen,  Paneque, Parmar, Parvathaneni, D. Patel, K. Patel, Ponzio, J. Potter, Robinson, Salmond, Santana, Schiavo, Scotto, Settimo, Shapiro, Sheehan, Singh, Stauffer, Strom, Thomas, Upadhyay, Van Ryzin, Wang, Wasserman

ATTENDANCE SUMMARY: Faculty: Of 101 total: 69 present (68%), 10 excused (10%), 22 absent (22%); Students: Of 48 total: 23 present (48%), 5 excused (10%), 20 absent (42%); Administrators: Of 42 total: 6 present (14%), 0 excused (0%), 36 absent (86%); Staff: Of 17 total: 11 present (64%), 3 excused (17%), 3 absent (17%); Alumni: Of 4 total: 4 present (100%), 0 excused (0%), 0 absent (0%)
View Senate Attendance Record for this academic year

PRESIDING OFFICER: Peter Gillett, Chair


Senate Chairperson Peter Gillett called the meeting to order at 1:10 p.m. in the Multipurpose Room of the College Avenue Student Center, College Avenue Campus, New Brunswick. Gillett's Chair's Report included comments on:
SECRETARY'S REPORT - Ken Swalagin, Executive Secretary


Student Affairs Committee (SAC) Revised Response to Charge S-1305 on Smoke-Free Rutgers - Viktor Krapivin and Samuel Rabinowitz, SAC Co-chairs

Student Affairs Committee Co-chairs Viktor Krapivin presented the SAC revised response to Charge S-1305 on Smoke-Free Rutgers. The report had been presented at the November 2016 Senate meeting, where it was sent back to the SAC for revision. Krapivin summarized the report and read the resolution, which was then adopted by the Senate.

Senate Executive Committee Resolution Endorsing the March for Science - Robert Boikess, Executive Committee Member, presenting on behalf of the Executive Committee

Senate Executive Committee Member Robert Boikess, on behalf of the Executive Committee, presented a Resolution Endorsing the March for Science, which was discussed and adopted unanimously.

Budget and Finance Committee (BFC) Annual Report on the Rutgers University Budget - Menahem Spiegel, BFC Chair

Budget and Finance Committee Chair Menahem Spiegel, and BFC Member Charles Heckscher presented the Annual Report on the Rutgers University Budget, and responded to questions, or heard comments relating to the report.

Committee-of-the-Whole Discussion on Free Speech and Academic Freedom

Senate Parliamentarian Jon Oliver assumed the chair while Gillett went to the Senate floor to participate in the committee-of-the-whole discussion on free speech and academic freedom. The Senate moved to committee-of-the-whole on Michael Van Stine's motion. A lengthy discussion ensued, after which Gillett successfully moved that the Senate rise from committee-of-the-whole, and resumed the chair.

ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT - Robert Barchi, University President

University President Robert Barchi presented an administrative report, commenting on topics including:
Barchi then responded to questions, or heard comments, on the above subjects, as well as:
PRESENTATION ON PUBLIC SAFETY - Kenneth Cop, Executive Director of Police Services

Executive Director of Police Services Kenneth Cop presented a report on public safety at Rutgers, and responded to related questions.

[The meeting time was extended to 4:10 p.m.]

- Senate Vice Chair Robert Puhak reported on the March 3, 2017 meeting and activities of the Senate Executive Committee. 

REPORTS OF THE REPRESENTATIVES TO BOARDS OF GOVERNORS AND TRUSTEES: There had been no Board of Governors meeting since the previous Senate meeting. Senator Asha Samant, Faculty Representative to the Board of Trustees, reported on the March 8 Board of Trustees meeting. 

REPORTS OF CAMPUS FACULTY AND STUDENT LIAISONS: Senator Viktor Krapivin, New Brunswick Student Member of the Senate Executive Committee, reported on New Brunswick student governing association activities.

ADJOURNMENT: Gillett reminded the Senate that the next Senate meeting would be held at the Busch Student Center. The meeting adjourned at 4:10 p.m.

Minutes Written and Submitted by,
Ken Swalagin
Executive Secretary of the University Senate