Regular Meeting of the University Senate

DATE:  April 5, 2002

TIME AND PLACE:  1:10 p.m., Multipurpose Room, Rutgers Student Center, 126 College Avenue,
College Avenue Campus

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Adelson, Antwi, Baldi, Barone, Bell, Berz, Blakeman, Blasi, Bossard, Boylan, Bronzan, Cohen, A. Cooper, T. Cooper, Cotter, Cowley, Darien, DeCarlo, E. Dennis, R. Dennis, DeRosa, Deutsch, Diamond, Dimond, Diner, Domb, Duncan, Elovitz, Esser, Falk, Flanagan, Gary, Gaunt, Gillis, Hillman, Hirsh, Hornichter, Jackson, Jessen, Karel, Kauffman, Kenney, Keoskey, Kressel, Krueckeberg, Laguna-Diaz, Lawrence, Leath, Lee, Manhoff, Maradonna, Markowitz, Marsh, McKay, McKeever, Messer, G. Miller, J. Miller, Morrow, Naus, O’Connor, Oren, Panayotatos, Pancholy, Pellegrine, Penfield, Plummer, Pottick, Puniello, Quinn, Rabinowitz, Ramsay, Rijhsinghani, Rohr, Roth, Rountree, Saidel, Schlegel, Scott, Seneca, Sims, Slawsky, D. Snyder, P. Snyder, Solomon, Spencer, Stein, Swenson, Szatrowski, Tallau, Tripolitis, Varma, Wadia, Walker-Andrews, Wasserman, Webb, Wilkinson, Winterbauer, Wozniak, Wyly

EXCUSED:  Bathory, Borisovets, Bry, Caprio, Cicma, Colaizzi, Davidson, Evans, Forman, Friedrich, Habib, Hall, Hamm, Haugerud, Hawkesworth, Jones, Kirschner, Lang, Martinez-Fernandez, Maudlin, Maw, Millican, Nordstrom, Perr, Pieczenik, Roselli, Saniefard, P. Simmons, R. Simmons, Tuckman, Wallenstein, Zaborszky

ABSENT:  Albers, Bhandari, Bittner, Boikess, Boucher, Breton, Bushnell, Butwinski, Chopra, Cizewski, Cronk, Daniels, Darkenwald, Driscoll, Felson, Griffith, Gross, Hara, Hughes, Hyndman, Jesse, Keating, Kenfield, Kennedy, Klein, Kokini, LaPadula, Lehman, Leontiades, Li, Matsuda, Mills, Nagarajan, Paris, Perlman, Ros, Samuels, Silver, Smith, Stamato, Stauffer, Strom, Toledo, Vershon, Vodak, Zaveri, Zylstra

ATTENDANCE SUMMARY:  Faculty: Of 87 total: 48 present (55%), 18 excused (21%) 21 absent (24%);
Students:  Of 47 total: 28 present (60%), 5 excused (10%), 14 absent (30%); Administrators:  Of 39 total: 20 present (51%), 8 excused (21%), 11 absent (28%); Alumni:  Of 6 total: 4 present (66%), 1 excused (17%), 1 absent (17%)
View Senate attendance record for this year.



PRESIDING OFFICER:   Kathleen Scott, Chairperson

CHAIRPERSON’S REPORT:  Chairperson Scott’s report included an update on the status of election of part-time lecturers to the Senate, planned to take place this spring for next fall; and action on establishing the Ad Hoc Enrollment and Student Services Committee (per Senate recommendation April 2001).  Chairperson Scott said that each Senate Caucus should elect its members for that committee when convening before the May 3, 2002 Senate meeting.

REPORT OF THE SECRETARY:  Agenda:  On motion and duly seconded, the agenda was approved as distributed by the Secretary. Minutes:  On motion and duly seconded, Minutes of the March 1, 2002 Senate meeting were approved as distributed by the Secretary.

ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT:   President Lawrence delivered the administrative report, which included comments on: first-quarter 2001 fundraising activities; presentation of Human Dignity Awards; presentation of the Daniel Gorenstein Memorial Award; presentation of a Lamplighter Award for Civil Rights to a Rutgers faculty recipient; initiation of, a website through which locations of campus buses can be tracked; initiation of an online-payment option for parking tickets at; the status of the Rutgers Campaign, which exceeded $400 million in April, as well as his gratitude to the Rutgers Foundation and everyone involved in the campaign; aid-to-education statistics for last year which now show Rutgers 18th in private fundraising nationally; and extensive comments on the state-budget shortfall.


Student Affairs Committee:  Committee Co-chairs Michael Dimond and Todd Slawsky presented the Student Affairs Committee’s report on Charge S-0201, Evaluation of the NJ Department of Health’s "Get Off Your Butts" Smoking Cessation and Prevention Program.  The charge had asked that the committee "Evaluate the ‘Get Off Your Butts’ smoking-prevention and cessation program of the New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services," to "Make recommendations regarding whether Rutgers should employ the program broadly on its campuses," and to "Explore the feasibility and appropriateness of banning cigarette sales on Rutgers campuses."  The report included an endorsement of the program, as well as praise and some suggestions for its outreach components, but did not recommend banning cigarette sales on Rutgers campuses.  On voice vote, the report was approved by the Senate.

University Structure and Governance Committee:  Vice Chair Rabinowitz assumed the chair while Chairperson and University Structure and Governance Committee Co-chair Kathleen Scott presented her committee’s report on Charge A-0102, to Review the Proposal to Establish Rutgers University College of Applied and Professional Studies (RU-CAPS). She noted that, although the CAPS proposal has been discontinued due to recent budget cuts, the report should be made part of the Senate record.  Senator Scott presented a brief resolution in support of her committee’s report.  In response to Senator Boylan’s comment that other groups, including the AAUP, have made recommendations on CAPS, Senator Scott suggested that he forward the reports to the Senate office to be kept in the file.

During discussion, Senator DeRosa moved that language in Recommendation #1 be changed, citing concern that the recommendation may be interpreted as a de facto endorsement of CAPS.  The motion was seconded and discussed. Senator Hirsh called the question.  The call was seconded and approved on voice vote.  The proposed amendment was defeated on card vote.  Senator Panayotatos moved to add the following language at the end of Recommendation #1: "None of the above is to be considered an a priori endorsement of such a proposal."  The motion was seconded and discussed, and carried on card vote.

Senator Hirsh then called the question on the main motion, the resolution endorsing the Governance Committee’s report. The call was seconded, and carried on voice vote.  Vice Chair Rabinowitz read the resolution, which carried on card vote, as follows:

"Be It Resolved that the Rutgers University Senate endorses the Report of the Governance Committee on Outreach and Continuing Education and urges the Administration to implement its Recommendations." OLD BUSINESS:  There was no old business.

NEW BUSINESS:  There was no new business.

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE REPORT:  Vice Chair Rabinowitz reported on the March 15, 2002 Executive Committee meeting.

Senator Walker-Andrews reported on the February 2002 Board of Governors meeting.  Senator Wozniak reported that the next Board of Trustees meeting will be held on April 18, 2002.

REPORT OF CAMPUS FACULTY LIAISONS:  Senator Cotter, New Brunswick Faculty Council Chair, reported on the group’s March 29, 2002 meeting, which included a discussion of the presidential search.

ADJOURNMENT:  There being no further business before the Senate, the meeting was declared adjourned at 2:40 p.m.

Kenneth Swalagin
Secretary of the University Senate