MINUTES: Regular Meeting of the University Senate

DATE: October 14, 2016

TIME AND PLACE: 1:10 p.m., Multipurpose Room, College Avenue Student Center, New Brunswick Campus

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Alizadeh, Anaele, Ardeshna, Arezzi, Artun, Barbarese, Barchi, Bekdash, Boikess, Borisovets, Bridgeman, Bugel, Burley, Calabrese, Carrasco, Chandler, Chang, Chayko, Collado-Garrido, Collins, Cotter, Cutler, Dana, Dane, Dasari, Davis, Desai, DiVito, Dreyer, Durham, Edward, Fagley, Flores, Fox, Gillett, Goh, Goswami, Gould, Grant, K. Gursoy, M. Gursoy, Hart, Heckscher, Huselid, Jackson, Jaffry, Janniger, Joergensen, A. Johnson, Joo, Joseph, Junboonta, Kaptan, Kalan, Kelly, Kelshikar, Kouraeva, Krapivin, Krutyansky, Langer, LaPointe, B. Lee, Leibman, Jane Lewis, Linz, Lugg, Lutz, Mammis, Marchetta, Marchick, Markert, Mazurek, Morrell, Mouradian, Nasr, Nissen, Norville, O'Connell, Okada, Oleske, Oliver, O'Neill, Otto, Pagan, Paneque, Pappas, Parmar, A. Patel, D. Patel, Pintar, Pirrello, C. Potter, Puhak, Rabinowitz, Rivera, Romanchuk, Roth, Rothpletz-Puglia, Salazar, Saltzman, Samant, Santana, Schwartz, Scoloveno, C. Scott, K. Scott, Serrano, Settimo, Settles, Shapses, Shapiro, Sheehan, Sheflin, Spiegel, Stepleton, Szatrowski, Thomas, Thomson, Thompson, Toney-Boss, Torres, Van Stine, Wakim, Wang, Winkler, Zurlo

EXCUSED:  Balmer, Bhuyan, Boruchoff, Bradshaw, Brunson, Bubb, Chatham, Conway, Craig, Diaz, Edwards, Esposito, Field, Fitzgerald-Bocarsly, Gross, Hayton, Killingsworth, Kustka, Levy, Maloney, McKeever, Meck, Moran, Powell, Schneider, Sharp, Shinn, Soto, Takacs, Upadhyay, Wagner

ABSENT:   Balaguru, Barone, Benford, Blanchett, Butterfield, Cahill, Cantor, Charles, R. Chen, Y. Chen, Coiro, Cooper, Covington, Delnevo, Dimatulac, Dixon, Drachtman, Eastman, Eisenstein, Farmbry, Farris, Feldman, Fletcher, Gabriel, Ganesh, Goodman, Gower, Haddon, Holzemer, Holzer, D. Hughes, J. Hughes, Iannini, R. Johnson, Kukor, Kuzma, Lattime, K. Lee, Lei, Jan Lewis, Lindenmeyer, Mahon, March, Marcone, Martinez, Meyer, Miranti, Nehring, Pandey, K. Patel, Ponzio, J. Potter, Robinson, Rozenberg, Salmond, Schaden, Schiavo, Scotto, Shinbrot, Singh, Stauffer, Strom, Sulley, Taillefer, Thornton, Wasserman 

ATTENDANCE SUMMARY: Faculty: Of 108 total: 71 present (66%), 17 excused (16%), 20 absent (18%); Students: Of 49 total: 33 present (67%), 5 excused (10%), 11 absent (22%); Administrators: Of 40 total: 3 present (7%), 5 excused (13%), 32 absent (80%); Staff: Of 18 total: 15 present (83%), 2 excused (11%), 1 absent (6%); Alumni: Of 6 total: 4 present (67%), 1 excused (17%), 1 absent (17%)
View Senate Attendance Record for this academic year

PRESIDING OFFICER: Peter Gillett, Chair


Senate Chairperson Peter Gillett called the meeting to order at 1:10 p.m. in the Multipurpose Room of the College Avenue Student Center, College Avenue Campus, New Brunswick. He welcomed all attendees to the final Senate meeting of Rutgers' 250th anniversary year. Gillett's Chair's Report included comments on:
SECRETARY'S REPORT - Ken Swalagin, Executive Secretary

Gillett then spoke about an emerging issue that had been brought to his attention by an Email from David Hughes to Senate Chair Peter Gillett et al., on NJ Higher Education Affordability Study Commission Report recommendation of three-plus-one programs. The issue had been discussed that morning in the Faculty Caucus. Gillett said that it would be considered further at the next Executive Committee meeting.

PRESENTATION ON MIDDLE STATES REACCREDITATION PROCESS - Senator Ann Gould, and Senator and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs Barbara Lee presented a brief report on the Middle States reaccreditation process.


Student Affairs Committee (SAC) Response to Charge S-1401 on Taking Courses on Other  Campuses/Intercampus Equivalency - Viktor Krapivin and Samuel Rabinowitz, SAC Co-chairs

Student Affairs Committee Co-chairs presented the SAC response to Charge S-1401 on Taking Courses on Other Campuses/Intercampus Equivalency. Krapivin summarized the report, and read the resolution. On motion and duly seconded, the Senate amended Recommendation 2 to include language regarding determination of course equivalency, and related periodic review, as follows:

"Any time an academic unit at a particular campus evaluates and deems equivalent a course from a different campus, that evaluation would be recorded in this service, and future intercampus transfer students would automatically receive equivalency subject to period review, as determined by the department."

The Senate then adopted the resolution as amended. [Note: The link above goes to the response and resolution as amended and adopted by the Senate.]

Preliminary Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Webstreaming Senate Meetings, and Committee-of-the-Whole Discussion - Ann Gould, Committee Chair

Ad Hoc Committee on Webstreaming Senate Meetings Chair Ann Gould summarized the activities of her committee, as well as its preliminary report. She then moved that the Senate enter committee of the whole. Gillett explained the procedure for committee-of-the-whole discussions. Gould's motion was then seconded, and carried. Gillett appointed Gould as acting chair, and went to the Senate floor to participate in the discussion. There was considerable discussion on the issue, after which Gillett moved that the Senate rise from committee of the whole. His motion was adopted, and he resumed the chair

ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT - Robert Barchi, University President

President Barchi presented an administrative report, commenting on topics including:
Barchi then responded to questions, or heard comments, on the above, as well as:

EXTENSION OF MEETING TIME - The overall meeting time limit of two and one half hours having expired, the Senate voted to extend the time for 20 minutes.

SENATE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE REPORT - Senate Vice Chair Robert Puhak reported on the September 30, 2016 meeting and activities of the Senate Executive Committee.

REPORTS OF THE REPRESENTATIVES TO BOARDS OF GOVERNORS AND TRUSTEES: Senator Samuel Rabinowitz, Faculty Representative to the Board of Governors, reported on the October 7, 2016 Board of Governors meeting. Senator Asha Samant, Faculty Representative to the Board of Trustees, said that there had been no meeting of the Board of Trustees since the previous Senate meeting.

CAMPUS FACULTY AND STUDENT LIAISON REPORTS: Senator Samuel Rabinowitz, a member of the Camden Faculty Council, said that group had not met. Senator Michael Van Stine, Camden Student Member of the Executive Committee, reported on recent Camden student governing association plans, activities and events. Senator Edmund Janniger, Newark Student Member of the Executive Committee, reported on recent Newark student governing association plans and activities. Senator Viktor Krapivin, New Brunswick Student Member of the Senate Executive Committee, reported on New Brunswick student governing association activities and elections.  Senator Martha Cotter, a member of the New Brunswick Faculty Council Chairperson, reported on that group's September 30, 2016 meeting.

ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 3:57 p.m.

Minutes Written and Submitted by,
Ken Swalagin
Executive Secretary of the University Senate