Text of Interim President Edwards' Response to Senate Reports and Recommendations on Charges S-1006 on staggered terms for staff Senators, and S-0915 on conducting staff Senator elections:

Dear Mr. Swalagin:
I am writing in response to the Reports and Recommendations on Charges S-1006 and S-0915 on staggering staff senator terms and on conducting staff senator elections, as adopted by the University Senate in January and February of 2011 upon the recommendation of the University Structure and Governance Committee.  The Committee has my thanks for its work in considering these issues related to staff representation on the Senate.   
The administration is pleased to accept the Senate's recommendation to stagger the terms of elected staff representatives to the Senate, and has implemented this recommendation beginning with the 2012 elections.  University Human Resources (UHR) has assumed responsibility for conducting the staff senator election process. Having determined that the online system is the most efficient way to maintain the integrity of the staff election process, UHR has adopted an email notification system and a staff election website in order to ensure fairness and access to the best of its ability.
Richard L. Edwards, Ph.D.
Interim President
c:         Vivian Fernandez, Vice President for Faculty and Staff Resources