Proposal for Charge to University Senate Budget and Finance Committee
on Bus or Shuttle Transportation Between Camden, Newark, and New Brunswick
Submitted to Senate Executive Committee
by the Student Affairs Committee
October 2007
For reasons outlined below, the Student Affairs Committee requests that the Senate Executive Committee consider charging the Senate’s Budget and Finance Committee as follows:
“Consider and make recommendations on feasibility and usefulness of University-provided, free, daily shuttle or bus service between the Camden, Newark, and New Brunswick campuses for any persons holding valid Rutgers student or employee identification. Respond to Senate Executive Committee by February 2008.”
Rutgers is a large, geographically dispersed university with campuses in Camden, Newark, and New Brunswick. Cooperative programs and university-wide organizations (e.g., the University Senate, university-wide committees, Boards of Governors and Trustees, Nursing, Business, etc.) require students and employees to travel regularly among these three campuses. In many cases, particularly for students, costs associated with that travel are not reimbursable.
Rutgers already utilizes a large system of bus transportation on each individual campus. However, these bus lines, although extensive in the New Brunswick/Piscataway area, are essentially intracampus only. The Student Affairs Committee members believe that the Budget and Finance Committee’s standing charge makes it the appropriate venue for this issue. We also believe that it is reasonable to establish a transportation system which would provide buses from each campus to both of the other two main geographic campuses each weekday morning, and returning to their campus of origin each weekday evening or late afternoon. A reservation system or protocol may also be useful, with a standby provision for reserved seats that remain unfilled at time of departure.