January 11, 2008
MEMBERS PRESENT:  Adam, Becker, Bodnar, Borisovets, Cotter, Greenhut, Gould, Leath (Vice Chair), McCall, Rabinowitz (Chair), Stein, Swalagin (Executive Secretary), Thompson
MEMBERS EXCUSED:  Cooke, Puniello
ALSO ATTENDING:  Furmanski (Administrative Liaison), Nolfi (University Structure and Governance Committee Chair); Spiegel (Budget and Finance Committee Chair)
The regular meeting of the University Senate Executive Committee was held on Friday, January 11, 2008 at 1:10 p.m. in the Executive Board Room of Administrative Services Building-III, Cook Campus. 
1.         Chairperson’s Report
Senate and Executive Committee Chairperson Samuel Rabinowitz called the meeting to order at 1:16 p.m., wishing all present a happy new year. He told the Executive Committee (EC) that the Senate would be cosponsoring, along with the New Brunswick Faculty Council and Rutgers University Student Assembly, a community discussion dealing with the stadium expansion on Thursday, January 24 at the Livingston Student Center. Executive Vice President Philip Furmanski spoke about the purpose and some details of the event, including a discussion on the issue that had taken place at a New Brunswick Faculty Council meeting in December. 
2.         Executive Secretary’s Report
Agenda: The meeting agenda was approved as distributed by the executive secretary.
Minutes: The Minutes of November 30, 2007 Senate Executive Committee meeting were approved as distributed by the executive secretary.

Communications: Executive Secretary Ken Swalagin said that faculty Senator and Faculty Affairs and Personnel Committee (FAPC) co-chair Paul Panayotatos is on sabbatical this semester, and that Paul Leath would be co-chairing the FAPC along with Ann Gould while Panayotatos is away. Swalagin also gave the EC the Schedule of EC and Senate Meetings for AY2008-2009, which was reviewed and adopted.
3.         Administrative Report
President McCormick was not present at the meeting. Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs Philip Furmanski made an administrative report which included comments on:
Furmanski responded to questions on topics including:
4.         Standing Committees
Committee Reports

Budget and Finance Committee (BFC) Final Report on Charge S-0504, All-Funds Budgeting:*  BFC Chair Menahem Spiegel summarized his committee's report on Charge S-0504, on All-Funds Budgeting. Gayle Stein, noting that she had consulted with Ray Caprio, asked that a reference to "Internet courses" be changed to "fully online courses using E-College." Paul Leath suggested instead that Caprio's "Division of Continuing Education" be named instead. The EC agreed on that suggested language change. Spiegel noted that the BFC had discussed that language, and agreed to keep the term as generic as possible, but he will consult with the BFC on whether to adopt the suggested change. Stein then said that the report requires a second part which can't be done presently, on all-funds budgeting in Rutgers' administrative units, where it has not yet been fully imiplemented. This discussion led to suggestions from the EC that the report state that all-funds budgeting "has not yet been implemented in all the appropriate administrative units," and to add a recommendation that the committee should look at the status of all-funds budgeting in three years. Spiegel accepted those changes, but said he would still need to consult with the BFC before changing the report. Recognizing that the report may be revised before the Senate meeting, the Executive Committee docketed this item for action by the Senate on January 25. Furmanski thanked Spiegel and his committee for doing an "amazing job on a difficult charge," and said that the administration agrees to continue working with the BFC (instead of creating another committee for the purpose) on all-funds budgeting as it continues to be implemented. Spiegel left the meeting at 2:43 p.m.
*[Note: The above link displays the report in its original form, as considered by the Executive Committee at this meeting. To view the report and recommendations as amended and adopted by the Senate at its December 2007 meeting, please see]
University Structure and Governance Committee (USGC) Report on Charge S-0701, Part-Time and Full-Time Non-Tenure-Track Faculty Role in Shared Governance: USGC Chair Tricia Nolfi summarized her committee's report on Charge S-0701, on Part-Time and Full-Time Non-Tenure-Track Faculty Role in Shared Governance. The report recommends a Senate bylaws change (increasing the number of PTL/Annual Appointee Faculty Senators from one per campus to two per campus, for a total of six), so, in accordance with established parliamentary procedure, the proposed amendment to Senate Bylaws would be introduced at the January Senate meeting, and will be moved for adoption at the February 2008 Senate meeting. The EC docketed introduction of this BFC charge response for the January Senate agenda.

Committee Charges

Charge to Faculty Affairs and Personnel Committee (FAPC)
to consider Resolution Supporting the Development of a Culture for Personal and Professional Development at Rutgers - A resolution submitted to the EC by Gayle Stein on behalf of the Staff Caucus was considered and discussed. After making several suggestions for the content of a charge to the FAPC, the EC asked Executive Secretary Ken Swalagin to work with Stein to draft a charge to be e-circulated to the EC for approval before issuing.

Amendment to USGC Charge S-0704 on Senate Committee Structure Review: Swalagin told the EC that the faculty of the Graduate School-New Brunswick (GS-NB) has now adopted the GS-NB Executive Council's resolution supporting formation of a Senate Committee on Graduate and Professional Education, and that he had revised the charge accordingly, as follows (link title and online resolution, in italics, changed):

Senate Standing Committee Structure Review: Consider and make recommendations for modifying the Senate's standing committee structure and/or charges. Consider the proposals submitted by the Staff Caucus, by Senator Gayle Stein, and by Senator Martha Cotter when deliberating on this matter. Consider other committee structure modifications that may  be needed or proposed. Solicit input from the Faculty Affairs and Personnel Committee, Equal Opportunity Committee, or other committees identified in the proposals or which may be affected by changes considered or suggested under this charge. Respond to Senate Executive Committee by February 1, 2008. ADDENDUM October 2007: Include in discussions on Charge S-0407 the "Resolution from the Graduate School-New Brunswick" regarding instituting a Senate Committee on Graduate and Professional Education.

5.         January 25, 2008 Senate Meeting Agenda
Items for the January Senate meeting agenda, which includes the New Brunswick Campus Report, were discussed, adopted, and docketed. On Jonathan Becker's motion, the bylaws changes were docketed first.
6.         Old Business
There was no old business.
7.         New Business
There was no new business.
8.         Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 3:42 p.m.
Kenneth Swalagin
Executive Secretary of the University Senate