April 17, 2009

MEMBERS PRESENT: Borisovets, Bubb, Gould, Greaux, Greenhut, Leath, McArdle, Panayotatos, Rabinowitz (Chair), Swalagin (Executive Secretary), Thompson

MEMBERS EXCUSED:  Bodnar, Nolfi, Pignatiello

ALSO ATTENDING: Cooke (Student BOG Representative), Cotter (Faculty BOG Representative), Furmanski (Administrative Liaison), Kaplan (Undergraduate Student BOT Representative), McCormick (Administrative Liaison)

The regular meeting of the University Senate Executive Committee was held on Friday, April 17, 2009 at 1:10 p.m. in the Executive Board Room of Administrative Services Building-III, Cook Campus.

1. Chairperson’s Report 

Senate and Executive Committee Chairperson Samuel Rabinowitz called the meeting to order at 1:23 p.m. There was no chairperson's report.

2.    Executive Secretary’s Report
Agenda:  The meeting agenda was approved as distributed by the executive secretary.

Minutes: Senator Cotter requested a correction to the March 13, 2009 Senate Executive Committee Meeting Minutes: under "New Business" it was noted that the ASRAC had agreed on a general outline for assessing admissions and financial aid, rather than just financial aid. The minutes were then approved as amended.

3.    Administrative Report

President McCormick was meeting with legislators, and was expected at the Executive Committee meeting at 2:00 p.m. Executive Vice President Furmanski presented an administrative report which included comments on:
Executive Vice President Furmanski heard and responded to comments and questions from the Executive Committee on subjects which included:
[Furmanski left the meeting at 2:00 p.m.]

4.    Standing Committees

Committee Reports:

The Budget and Finance Committee Response to Charge S-0707, Fundraising was summarized by Daniel McArdle (BFC Chair Menahem Spiegel was unable to attend the meeting), discussed by the Executive Committee, and docketed for action at the May 1 Senate meeting. Paul Panayotatos suggested that the report's claim that the foundation's overhead percentage is low should be supported in the report. McArdle said he would try to get the committee to add that.

[President McCormick arrived at 2:06 p.m.]

3.A.    Administrative Report (continued)

President McCormick continued the administrative report with a summary of ongoing and recently completed administrative searches, including:
McCormick then responded to questions on subjects including:
4.A.    Standing Committees (continued)

Committee Reports:

The Academic Standards, Regulations and Admissions Committee Response to Charge S-0713, Weekend Examswas summarized by ASRAC Co-chair Martha Cotter, and discussed at some length by the Executive Committee. Some suggestions were made regarding the need for dedicated space for large, common-hour exams. The report was docketed for action at the May 1 Senate meeting.

[Ryan Cooke and Eric Kaplan leave the meeting at 2:37 p.m. Natalie Borisovets arrives at 2:40 p.m.]

The Faculty and Personnel Affairs Committee Response to Charge S-0901, Academic Freedom for Contingent Faculty was summarized by FPAC Co-chairs Ann Gould and Paul Panayotatos, and discussed by the Executive Committee. The co-chairs agreed to minor revisions to make titles parallel in the report. The report was docketed for action at the May 1 Senate meeting.

The Faculty and Personnel Affairs Committee Response to Charge S-0804, Dealing with Psychological Emergencieswas summarized by FPAC Co-chair Ann Gould, and discussed by the Executive Committee. Gould said that Vice President for Student Affairs Greg Blimling's office was prepared to launch a website on this issue. Suggestions were made, and accepted, regarding recommending that practices on dealing with psychological emergencies should be university-wide. The report was docketed for action at the May 1 Senate meeting.

The University Structure and Governance Committee Interim Report on Charge S-0902, Senate Speakers, Discussions, Forums was summarized by Paul Leath (USGC Co-chair Tricia Nolfi was unable to attend the Executive Committee meeting). The report was addressed to the Executive Committee only, and was not intended for Senate action. The deadline on the charge was extended to November 2009.

The University Structure and Governance Committee Interim Report on Charge S-0805, Senate Representation by Full-time, Non-tenure-track Faculty was summarized by Paul Leath (USGC Co-chair Tricia Nolfi was unable to attend the Executive Committee meeting), discussed by the Executive Committee, and docketed for action at the May 1, 2009 Senate meeting. [Note: At the May 1 Senate meeting the report was withdrawn because it involves a bylaws change, and would need to be introduced and acted upon at separate, consecutive Senate meetings, and because the May meeting was the last of the 20008-2009 Senate.] Karen Thompson voiced concerns that the report's recommendation on enabling full-time annual-appointee faculty to run for the Senate through multiple avenues disadvantaged part-time lecturers, who would not have the same opportunities. The USGC being willing to accept another charge on the non-tenure-track faculty issues (as indicated by USGC Co-chair Nolfi's email), Thompson will draft a proposal for an additional charge, and send that to Secretary Swalagin.

The Instruction, Curricula and Advising Committee Response to Charge S-0806, Hybrid Courses and Model of Teaching, was summarized by ICAC Chair Natalie Borisovets, who said that she would add another recommendation about hybrid course approval which she had inadvertently left out, and also agreed to amend recommendation 4 to remove "introductory." The report was discussed and docketed for action at the May 1, 2009 Senate meeting.

[Paul Leath left the meeting at 3:33 p.m.]

5.    May 1, 2009 Senate Meeting Agenda: Items were docketed (see above), and lunch, format, and time limits discussed and established for the May 1, 2009 Senate regular and organizational (election) meeting agendas.

6.         Old Business

Candice Greaux followed up on previous discussions about proposed legislation that would add voting members to Rutgers' Board of Governors. Greaux said she had not spoken with Jeannine LaRue or Jonathan Alger about the matter.

7.         New Business

Martha Cotter's request to change the deadline on Charge S-0807 on Add/Drop Period to October 2009 was approved by the Executive Committee.
 8.         Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 4:13 p.m.
Kenneth Swalagin
Executive Secretary of the University Senate