June 3, 2016

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Barraco (phone), Gillett, Gould (Chair), Langer, Okuwobi, Oliver, Otto, Puhak, Schulberg, Swalagin (Executive Secretary), Theiss, Thompson

MEMBERS EXCUSED:    Borisovets, Cotter, Janniger, Lee

ALSO ATTENDING: R. Barchi (President of the University), R. Boikess (16-17 NB Faculty Member of EC), V. Krapivin (16-17 NB Student Member of EC), B. Lee (Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs), M. Mouradian (16-17 RBHS Member of EC), A. Patel (16-17 Student Representative to Board of Trustees), S. Rabinowitz (Faculty Representative to the Board of Governors), A. Samant (Faculty Representative to the Board of Trustees)

The regular meeting of the University Senate Executive Committee was held on Friday, June 3, 2016 at 1:10 p.m. in the Executive Board Room of Administrative Services Building-III, Cook Campus.

1. Chair’s Report 

Senate and Executive Committee Chair Ann Gould called the meeting to order at 1:15 p.m. Noting that there were both this- and next-year's Executive Committee members and board representatives present, she called for introductions of all present. She thanked everyone for attending, and for their service on the Senate. She then commented on her recent trip to the University of Washington to speak with that institution's AAUP  regarding shared governance and union issues at Rutgers, in the context of the University of Washington's ongoing discussions and consideration of forming a faculty union. She also spoke about her enjoyment of this year's Commencement ceremonies.

 2.    Secretary’s Report - Ken Swalagin, Executive Secretary of the Senate
3.    Administrative Report - Robert Barchi, University President

University President Robert Barchi presented an Administrative Report, which included comments on:
President Barchi then responded to questions, or heard comments, on the above subjects.

4.    Standing Committees

Draft Standing Committee Rosters 2016-17, and Assignment of Chairs: Swalagin distributed hardcopies of draft 2016-17 committee rosters, and summarized the assignments, and those still needing additional work. Viktor Krapivin agreed to co-chair the Student Affairs Committee. Swalagin also said that he would forward the completed list to President Barchi to select and assign administrative liaisons. The EC then approved the standing committee rosters provisionally based on Swalagin's summary of what would be changed or added.

Issues/Proposed Charges:

Proposed Charge on Handling of Student Complaints: Faculty Senator David Hughes wrote: "The union is now dealing with at least two grievances arising from student complaints handled poorly." Natalie Borisovets discussed the matter with Hughes, and wrote that it "...does seem to be a legitimate area of concern. There are apparently a couple of cases where the AAUP has had to become involved because the lack of any recognized channels for student complaints resulted in things escalating way beyond what would seem to be necessary." Hughes proposed a charge "along the lines of":

Design a procedure for investigating student complaints against instructors, beginning at the department level, and, if necessary, escalating upwards from there.

The issue and proposed charge were discussed, with Ann Gould summarizing the issue. Barbara Lee said there are many ways for students to complain, but the method would depend on the type of complaint. Lee also said she can research the various ways in which students may complain, and respond to the EC. President Barchi pointed out that if a complaint involves collective bargaining or a faculty grievance, the Senate cannot become involved. The matter will come back to the EC in September.

Proposed Charge on Senate Standing Committee Structure and Standing Charges, submitted by Student Senator Justin Schulberg: The following proposed charge, submitted by Senator Schulberg, was discussed:

Consider and make recommendations for modifying the Senate's standing committee structure and/or charges. Consider whether the Senate should issue a standing charge to an existing committee or create a new committee to deal with issues concerning athletics, general health and wellness of the University community, and social issues facing the University. Consider other committee structure modifications that may be needed or proposed.

Swalagin said that, although some changes were made to the charges in 2008 and 2012, and minor reviews of the charges were done then, a comprehensive review of the standing committee structure was last undertaken in 2007. Schulberg said that Senator Emily Arezzi had researched other senates' committee structures, and he would forward the resulting data to Swalagin. Jon Oliver, who co-chairs the University Structure and Governance Committee (USGC), said that his committee's charge on the state of shared governance (dropped because it was unamanageably large) needed to be split into smaller components, and that this could be one of them. The EC then issued the following charge to the USGC:

Consider and make recommendations for modifying the Senate's standing committee structure and standing charges. Respond to Senate Executive Committee by February 2017.

Report Reviews - Swalagin said that, in addition to the standing committee structure and standing charges, the Senate's Response to Charge S-0801, Employee Professional and Personal Development is also due for review. Ann Gould noted that this report was sent as advice to President McCormick, but that there had been no response from that administration. The following charge was issued to the Faculty and Personnel Affairs Committee:

Revisit and review the the Senate's Response to Charge S-0801, Employee Professional and Personal Development. Respond to the Senate Executive Committee by April 2017.

5.    Old Business

Draft Report on Parliamentary Procedure,
submitted by Peter Gillett, Senate Parliamentarian, Vice Chair, and Chair-Elect: Peter Gillett presented his Draft Report on Parliamentary Procedure. The draft was discussed, and some modifications suggested. Gillett asked that comments on the report be emailed to him, after which he will revise the report and bring it back to the EC with a proposal that it be docketed for introduction and subsequent action in the Senate.

Proposal to Hold Executive Committee Meetings on Campuses Other than New Brunswick: This suggestion was discussed briefly at the previous Executive Committee meeting. The matter was discussed, and it was agreed that one Executive Committee meeting shall be held in Newark, and one in Camden, each year. These meetings will be in the semester in which the full Senate does not go to that campus. Swalagin will propose to Chancellor Haddon and Chancellor Cantor that the EC would come to their campus and have a brief tour, then lunch with the chancellor, and also invite the chancellors to present an administrative report at the EC meeting that afternoon.

    New Business

At Peter Gillett's suggestion, the New Brunswick Faculty Council Statement on Presidential Selection was discussed as a possible matter for Senate consideration. Swalagin said that it was sent to him without a proposal for a charge or action, so he had placed it on the agenda as a communication for the EC's information. No charge or further action was recommended.

7.    Adjournment
Ann Gould again thanked everyone, especially those not returning to the Senate next year. The meeting adjourned at 4:10 p.m.

Minutes written and submitted by,

Ken Swalagin
Executive Secretary of the University Senate