September 5, 2003

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Barone, Cotter, Hirsh, Nedick, Rabinowitz (Vice Chair), Panayotatos (Chair), Swalagin (Executive Secretary)

EXCUSED:  Blasi, Manhoff, Rijhsinghani

ALSO ATTENDING:  Furmanski (Administrative Liaison), McCormick (Administrative Liaison), Redd (Student BOG Representative), Sclar (Newark Faculty Campus Liaison), Scott (Faculty BOT Representative)

The regular meeting of the University Senate Executive Committee was held on Friday, September 5, 2003 at 1:10 p.m. in the Cap and Skull Room, Rutgers Student Center, College Avenue Campus.

1. Chairperson’s Report

After calling the meeting to order, Chairperson Panayotatos welcomed everyone to a new academic year, spoke about the University Senate’s upcoming 50th anniversary, and expressed his wishes for a productive year.

2. Secretary's Report

Minutes:  The Minutes of the June 6, 2003 Executive Committee meeting were approved.

Standing Committee Roster:  An updated roster of standing committee members, including chairs, was circulated.  Chairperson Panayotatos, also co-chair of the Faculty Affairs and Personnel Committee (FAPC), asked President McCormick if Senator Barbara Lee could be named administrative liaison to the FAPC, replacing Senator Roger Dennis, who does not generally attend FAPC meetings.  President McCormick agreed to the change.  President McCormick also asked that he be invited to at least one FAPC meeting at which the process for evaluation of deans would be discussed.  Chairperson Panayotatos agreed.  [Further actions under item 6 below, “Standing Committee Membership, Actions, Reports and Charges.]

Request for Funds for Bus Transportation for Senate Meetings:  Chairperson Panayotatos asked President McCormick for funds for a charter bus from New Brunswick to Camden for the October 2003 Senate meeting in Camden, as well as for round-trip minibus transportation for Senators from Newark and Camden for all New Brunswick Senate meetings.  Secretary Swalagin will submit to the president’s office estimates for costs of both items.

Communications:  The following communications were presented by Secretary Swalagin, and acted upon as indicated:

3. Administrative Report

President McCormick delivered the administrative report, in which he discussed his upcoming Annual Address to the Community, and subsequent reception, which would be the primary item on the September Senate agenda.  He expressed his hope that this arrangement would become a tradition.  He then responded to questions:

4. September 19, 2003 Senate Meeting Agenda

Chairperson Panayotatos summarized the planned September 19, 2003 Senate meeting agenda, which foregoes action items and routine reports in order to focus on President McCormick’s First Annual Address to the University Community, and a celebration of the University Senate’s 50th anniversary.  He said that an election will be held at that meeting to replace former Senator Walker-Andrews, who recently accepted a position at the University of Montana-Missoula, as Faculty Representative to the Board of Governors.  He noted that the nomination process has already taken place via e-mail, and that statements of candidates are being posted online for Senate review prior to the meeting, as no statements nor nominations will be made from the floor at the meeting, and that paper ballots with space for write-in candidates will be distributed at sign-in, and collected prior to adjournment.  He also asked that the Senators-first speaking format be suspended for this meeting, that questions be limited to no more than one minute (with no time limit on responses), and that no follow-up questions be allowed.  On motion, and on behalf of the Senate, the Executive Committee approved the proposed format and agenda for the September 19 Senate meeting.

Chairperson Panayotatos also said that former Senate chairs will be invited to attend the meeting, and to participate in a cake-cutting ceremony and comments at the beginning of the reception which will follow the Annual Address to the University Community and Senate adjournment.

5. Targum Concept Plan Review

The 2003 Targum Concept Plan, received by the Senate office on Thursday, September 4, 2003, and the Senate’s responsibility to rule on the educational value of the Targum, was discussed.  The Senate is required to make a recommendation to President McCormick regarding the educational value of Targum’s program within six weeks of receipt of the plan.  Approval of Targum’s concept plan and educational value are prerequisites to the referendum which Targum seeks to conduct in the spring 2004 semester.  Senator Nedick’s comments on student concerns regarding Targum’s mission began a discussion which resulted in a decision to assign the concept plan review to the Student Affairs Committee (SAC).  Secretary Swalagin will compose and issue a charge to the SAC requesting a decision on the plan’s educational value by September 22.  Secretary Swalagin and Senator Scott, co-chair of the University Structure and Governance Committee (USGC), which is currently reviewing the referendum guidelines, will meet with the SAC at its September 19 meeting to assist with this item.

The Executive Committee’s continued discussion of Targum’s mission led to a request that Secretary Swalagin draft and circulate to the Executive Committee charges to the SAC soliciting input on the USGC’s pending charge to review the referendum guidelines, as well as to consider and report on Targum’s mission and costs.

6. Standing Committee Membership and Charges

President McCormick having previously approved changing the Faculty Affairs and Personnel Committee administrative liaison from Roger Dennis to Barbara Lee, Secretary Swalagin was instructed to make the change on the committee roster, to notify Senators Dennis and Lee of the change, and to copy President McCormick and Executive Vice President Furmanski on the correspondence confirming the change.

Senator Nedick agreed to become Executive Committee liaison to, and co-chair of, the Instruction, Curricula and Advising Committee.

The Executive Committee approved Chairperson Panayotatos’s request that a charge be drafted to the University Structure and Governance Committee regarding the provision that the immediate past chair of the Senate automatically becomes a member of the Executive Committee for one year following the end of his/her term as chair.  He noted that, in the event that the immediate past chair’s Senate term expires and he or she is not re-elected to the Senate, the Executive Committee would then have one member who would be a non-voting Senator.  Secretary Swalagin will draft the charge and circulate it to the Executive Committee before issuing to the USGC.

The following charge was issued to the University Structure and Governance Committee:

Review the Procedures for Election of At-Large Faculty Senators (and faculty Senators representing other research and academic units) as mandated by Senate bylaws.  Examine the process and make recommendations regarding simplifying and updating the election process.  Consider whether election of part-time lecturer and annual appointee Senators should be conducted by the same process.  Consult with Rita MacIndoe in the Office of Academic Affairs regarding last year’s election process and outcome, and with Senate Secretary Swalagin regarding recent PTL/Annual elections.  Respond to Senate Executive Committee by January 2004.
The issue of assignment of textbooks in courses taught by authors or reviewers of those textbooks was discussed.  Secretary Swalagin will draft and circulate a charge to the Instruction, Curricula and Advising Committee on this issue, including consideration of return of royalties to students, price discounting, and the general appropriateness of the practice.  ICAC will be asked to consult with University Counsel on this charge, which will carry a January 2004 deadline.

7. Old Business

The slate of nominees for Faculty Representative to the Board of Governors (to replace Senator Walker-Andrews, elected to the position in May 2003, who has left Rutgers) was reviewed and approved.

Chairperson Panayotatos asked Senator Redd to continue as Senate parliamentarian.  Senator Redd had previously declined the position for this year, and had recommended another student Senator as parliamentarian.  Senator Redd agreed to serve as parliamentarian for the September meeting, but asked if he could alternate with Senator Nicole Smith for the rest of the year, pending Senator Smith’s acceptance of the role.  No final decision was reached.

Secretary Swalagin was asked to research and draft a report regarding practices employed for recall or removal of disruptive or irresponsible Senators, and to draft a charge to the University Structure and Governance Committee.  Also to be included in the charge will be Senate officer and Executive Committee election and membership issues such as the requirement that the chair or vice chair be from Newark or Camden, and experience-based eligibility for nominees for chairperson.

The Senate chairperson being the default representative to the Coalition on Intercollegiate Athletics, the position reverted back to Chairperson Panayotatos following the departure of former Senator Walker-Andrews.

In regard to former Senator Walker-Andrews’ replacement on the Enrollment and Student Services Assessment and Master Plan Committee, Secretary Swalagin was asked to research whether the committee was established as an ad hoc committee of the Senate or the administration, as well as the current status of the committee.  The Executive Committee agreed that, if the committee is still active, Senator Cotter will replace former Senator Walker-Andrews as member and co-chair.  Noting that former Senator Seneca also co-chaired, Chairperson Panayotatos asked Executive Vice President Furmanski if he would replace Dr. Seneca as co-chair.  Senator Furmanski asked that the committee, if continuing, and if it does so as an ad hoc Senate committee, report to him through the Senate Executive Committee, but that he not become co-chair.

8. New Business

There was no new business.

9. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 3:05 p.m. by Chairperson Panayotatos.

Kenneth Swalagin
Executive Secretary of the Senate