September 9, 2011

MEMBERS PRESENT: Barraco, Borisovets, Gillett, Gould, McKeever, Muse, Panayotatos (Chair), Paterno, Puhak, Swalagin (by phone) (Executive Secretary), Thompson, Yoon


ALSO ATTENDING:Cotter (Faculty BOT Representative), Clarke (Student BOG Representative), Fehn (Administrative Liaison), McCormick (Administrative Liaison), Rabinowitz (Faculty BOG Representative), Spiegel (Faculty BOT Representative)

The regular meeting of the University Senate Executive Committee was held on Friday, September 9, 2011 at 1:10 p.m. in the Executive Board Room of Administrative Services Building-III, Cook Campus.

1. Chairperson’s Report 

Senate and Executive Committee Chairperson Paul Panayotatos called the meeting to order at 1:15 p.m. He welcomed everyone to what he described as a "new, and very demanding year." Before calling for introductions, he made a chairperson's report which included comments on:
2.    Secretary’s Report

Executive Secretary Ken Swalagin was unable to attend the meeting in person, but participated by phone. Chairperson Panayotatos presented the secretary's report, which included the following items,  which were discussed or acted upon as indicated below: President McCormick asked Swalagin to let him and Dick Edwards know which Senate reports still require a response from him. Swalagin said he is working with Roberta Leslie on those responses. Panayotatos said that there are still some pending items that are major policy considerations, and that he and Senate Vice Chair Ann Gould would like to meet with McCormick and Edwards to discuss which responses and decisions may be postponed during the administrative transition. Panayotatos will contact McCormick's assistant to schedule the meeting.

3.    Administrative Liaison

President McCormick presented an administrative report, which included comments on:
There was considerable discussion of the Robert Wood Johnson Medical School issue.

4.    Standing Committees

The Executive Committee reviewed the Standing Committee Membership/Rosters, and discussed potential co-chairs for the Student Affairs Committee and Research, and Graduate and Professional Education Committees. Several committee chairs noted that the administrative liaisons assigned to their committees do not attend or participate in committee activities. President McCormick asked Ken Swalagin to send to him and Dick Edwards a memo listing the attendance records of all committees' administrative liaisons.

The Executive Committee reviewed and updated currently Pending Charges and reporting deadlines.

5.    University Senate Agendas

The Executive Committee was not scheduled to meet again before the October Senate meeting, so agendas were discussed, and items docketed for the September 16 and October 14, 2011 Senate meetings, as follows:

September 16, 2011 Senate Meeting:

October 14, 2011 Senate Meeting:
6.    Old Business

There was no old business.

7.    New Business

Peter Gillett raised the issue of the default, repeating academic calendar, and the need to make several adjustments to that calendar over the past few years. Martha Cotter, ASRAC co-chair, said that Charge S-1003A includes revisitation of the default calendar. The ASRAC wants to develop a plan that would eliminate the necessity of having a different designation of class days each year, but that it would likely require changing the number of reading days. She will also follow up with Ted Szatrowski, who first raised the issue that promulgated Charge S-1003, regarding his expected research and data on the issue.

Karen Thompson said she had heard that some faculty were offered football invitations if they had athletes in their class. McCormick said he had not heard of the practice, but asked Thompson to send him whatever information she had received on it so he could look into it.

Menahem Spiegel, chair of the Budget and Finance Committee, asked McCormick if he would like to meet with him and some members of his committee to hear their thoughts on their report on all-funds budgeting implementation (beyond what is included in the committee's report). McCormick asked that he first be given the opportunity to respond to the report. Spiegel also thanked McCormick for implementing some of the recommendations contained in the BFC's report on fundraising.

Karen Thompson spoke about the new attendance website created by Barry Qualls' office to allow students to self-report their class absences electronically. The issue had been reported recently in Targum. Swalagin will write to Qualls to ask him to attend an Executive Committee meeting to discuss this.

8.    Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 2:46 p.m.

Written and submitted by,

Ken Swalagin
Executive Secretary of the University Senate