December 1, 2017
DRAFT - Will be considered for approval at the February 2, 2018 meeting.

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Boikess, Borisovets, Gillett (Chair), Gould, Kelly, Krapivin, Oliver, Parsa, Scoloveno, Settles, Thompson, Van Stine

MEMBERS EXCUSED:  Esposito, Majumdar, Walters

ALSO ATTENDING:   B. Lee (Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs), M. Spiegel (Faculty Representative to the Board of Trustees)

The regular meeting of the University Senate Executive Committee was held on Friday, December 1, 2017, beginning at 12:00 p.m. in Room 202ABC of the Cook Campus Center, Cook Campus.

1.    Chair’s Report  - Peter Gillett, Senate Chair

Senate and Executive Committee Chair Peter Gillett called the meeting to order at 12:00 noon. His Chair's Report included comments on:
[President Barchi joined the meeting at 12:09 p.m.]

2.    Secretary’s Report - Ken Swalagin, Executive Secretary of the Senate
3.    Administrative Liaison Report - Robert Barchi, President of the University

President Barchi presented an Administrative Liaison Report, which included comments on the following subjects:
[Barchi left the meeting at 1:11 p.m.]

4.    Old Business

Issue of ASRAC's continuing work on Charge S-1602, on Policies on Excused Student Absences for Religious Observances - Robert Schwartz and Matt Winkler, Academic  Standards, Regulations, and Admissions Committee (ASRAC) Co-chairs
The ASRAC has been charged as follows:

Policies on Excused Student Absences for Religious Observance: Consider Rutgers policies on excused student absences for religious observance, and make recommendations on how best to revise those policies in light of the increasing diversity of the Rutgers student body.

This matter also appeared later on the agenda, and was discussed only briefly here, primarily regarding the ASRAC's previous inability to schedule discussions on this issue with Rutgers' lawyers, which discussions are now enabled.

5.    Committees/Panels

Charge Deadline Requests:

University Structure and Governance Committee (USGC) Chair Jon Oliver had requested, and was granted the following extensions of charge deadlines:
Gillett then offered the opportunity for other committee chairs present to discuss any charge deadline extension requests not listed on the agenda. Other chairs then requested, and were granted, deadline extensions, as follows:

From Budget and Finance Committee (BFC) Chair Menahem Spiegel:
From Faculty and Personnel Affairs Committee (FPAC) Chair Alexander Settles:
Committee Reports:

Budget and Finance Committee's (BFC) Annual Report on the University Budget- Menahem Spiegel, BFC Chair

The Executive Committee approved Senator Spiegel's request to present the annual report on the Rutgers University budget at the January 5, 2018 Senate meeting.

Faculty and Personnel Affairs Committee (FPAC) Response to Charge A-1709 on Proposal to Improve Evaluation of Teaching at Rutgers - Joseph Markert and Alexander Settles, FPAC Co-Chairs

The FPAC had been charged as follows:

Review the Proposal on a Program to Improve How Rutgers Evaluates Teaching, as well as input received from the Senate's Instruction, Curricula, and Advising Committee (ICAC, Charge A-1708), and make appropriate recommendations.

Settles summarized his committee's report on Charge A-1709, on the Proposal to Improve Evaluation of Teaching at Rutgers. The report was discussed at length, including comments from Natalie Borisovets, Chair of Instruction, Curricula and Advising Committee (ICAC), which had previously provided the FPAC with the supporting report cited in the charge. Suggestions were made for changes, and the report, with suggested revisions, was then docketed for action at the upcoming Senate meeting.

[Swalagin left the meeting for some time at 2:25 p.m. Mary Mickelsen filled in, and the remainder of these minutes are based on her notes alone.]

Academic Standards, Regulations and Admissions Committee (ASRAC) "Preliminary Response" to Charge S-1714 on Enforcing the Academic Integrity Policy (Request for modification of the charge) - (Submitted by Robert Schwartz) Robert Schwartz and Matthew Winkler, ASRAC Co-chairs

The ASRAC had been charged as follows:

Review the current status of the educative and adjudication processes of the Offices of Student Conduct regarding infractions of the University Academic Integrity Policy. Identify areas of concern, and provide appropriate recommendations. Include in deliberations input received on this issue from the Senate's Student Affairs Committee (Charge S-1713).

Co-Chair Robert Schwartz had submitted to the Senate Executive Secretary alternate charge language for the Executive Committee to consider in this matter. Senator Robert Boikess, an ASRAC member, spoke about the justification of this change. The suggested language was discussed, and Charge S-1714 on Enforcing the Academic Integrity Policy was revised to:

Review the current status of the educative and adjudication processes and administrative organization and support of  the Offices of Student Conduct regarding infractions of the University Academic Integrity Policy. Identify areas of concern, and provide appropriate recommendations. Include in deliberations input received on this issue from the Senate's Student Affairs Committee (Charge S-1713).  [Due to the Executive Secretary on April 3, 2018]

Academic Standards, Regulations and Admissions Committee (ASRAC) Response to Charge S-1602 on Policies on Excused Student Absences for Religious Observance - (Submitted by Robert Schwartz) Robert Schwartz and Matthew Winkler, ASRAC Co-chairs

The ASRAC had been charged as follows:

Consider Rutgers policies on excused student absences for religious observance, and make recommendations on how best to revise those policies in light of the increasing diversity of the Rutgers student body.

Robert Boikess, an ASRAC member, discussed the report submitted by ASRAC co-chair Robert Schwartz.  The report was discussed, and the Executive Committee agreed that the ASRAC should write a more formal report which would include the background and rationale for their recommendation. This report will be due to the Executive Committee by the January 5, 2018 meeting.

[Spiegel left at 3:01 p.m.]

Academic Standards, Regulations and Admissions Committee (ASRAC) Request for Reconsideration of President Barchi's Response to Senate Resolution on Charge S-1609 on Revisions to the Rutgers Academic Integrity Policy - Robert Schwartz and Matthew Winkler, ASRAC Co-chairs

When submitting this item, Schwartz wrote:

"At our committee meeting of November 10, 2017, members of ASRAC discussed our disappointment with President Barchi's response to the Senate resolution of 1/20/2017 on revisions to the Rutgers academic integrity policy and voted unanimously to request the Executive Committee to ask the President to reconsider his response. Our request, together with the rationale for it, is given in the attached memo, which was skillfully crafted by longtime ASRAC Chair Martha Cotter with a little help from my co-chair Matt Winkler, Bob Boikess, and myself."

Barbara Lee briefed the Executive Committee on Barchi's rationale for his response. Lee agreed to bring the ASRAC's concerns to Barchi's attention and the Executive Committee will revisit this at the June 8, 2018 meeting.

6. Other Business

Briefing on the OIT Technology Master Plan - Adrienne Esposito

Adrienne Esposito, Staff Member of the Executive Committee, had volunteered to present a briefing on the OIT Technology Master Plan at the upcoming Senate meeting. Esposito was not able to attend this meeting, but the briefing was docketed for the upcoming Senate meeting.

7.    University Senate Agenda

December 8, 2017 Senate Meeting: The upcoming Senate agenda was discussed and approved.

8.    Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 3:32 p.m.

Minutes written and submitted jointly by,

Ken Swalagin, Executive Secretary of the University Senate
Mary Mickelsen, acting as Assistant Secretary of the University Senate