Executive Committee


January 9, 2015 - 1:10 p.m.

1.    Chair's Report - Ann Gould, Senate Chair

2.    Secretary’s Report - Ken Swalagin, Senate Executive Secretary 3.    Administrative Report - Richard Edwards, Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs

4.    Standing Committees

Committee Reports: [None received as of January 7, 2015.]

Issues/Proposed Charges:

Proposed Charge to University Structure and Governance Committee (USGC) on The State of Shared Governance at Rutgers, submitted by Jon Oliver, USGC Co-chair: 

Consider the state of shared governance at Rutgers including its strengths and challenges. Recommend any changes based on our aspirant AAU and Big 10 peers and on the basis of the foundational element of "Robust Shared Governance, Academic Freedom, and Effective Communication" in the university strategic plan. Consider how such an improved model of shared governance could assist the university in its mission to become a tier 1 institution in the AAU.

Proposed Charge to University Structure and Governance Committee (USGC) or Executive Committee (EC) on Amending the Research, and Graduate and Professional Education Committee's Standing Charge: The RGPEC's standing charge currently states that "The Senior Vice President for Research and Graduate and Professional Education shall be asked to serve as an ex officio member of this committee." Since the 2010 creation of the RGPEC, the title of the position formerly held by Michael Pazzani has changed to Senior Vice President for Research and Economic Development, and is now held by Chris Malloy. The standing charge therefore requires amendment.

Proposed Charge to Academic Standards, Regulations and Admissions Committee (ASRAC) on Modifying Academic Calendar and Exam Times for Online Courses, submitted by James Massachaele, Executive Vice Dean of SAS-NB via email as follows:

"I write in my capacity as Executive Vice-Dean of SAS to ask the Senate to consider a proposal for making an adjustment to the University's exam schedule. A number of faculty in SAS have asked for an improved process for scheduling final exams in online courses. Currently the University makes no provision for this. Many faculty who teach online courses feel that in-person final exams are the best way to ensure the integrity of the exam. To make the scheduling of final exams for online courses more effective, we propose that the University set aside and advertise certain time slots as standard exam times for online courses. You can find details of the proposal on the attached document. Please let me know if you need more detail or if there is a different avenue I need to pursue to have the proposal considered by the Senate."

5.    New Business

6.    University Senate Agenda for January 23, 2015
7.    Old Business

Checklist and Questions for Proposed Mergers of the Camden and Newark Law Schools, and of the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences with a new Rutgers Division of Graduate Studies. This matter was discussed at the previous Executive Committee meeting. A draft checklist and list of questions relating to unit mergers appears at the end of the USGC's draft report on timelines for proposed mergers.

8.    Adjournment