Executive Committee


March 6, 2015 - 1:10 p.m.

1.    Chair's Report - Ann Gould, Senate Chair

2.    Secretary’s Report - Ken Swalagin, Senate Executive Secretary 3.    Administrative Report - Robert Barchi, University President

4.    Standing Committees

Research, and Graduate and Professional Education Committee (RGPEC) Administrator Member: Christopher Molloy has suggested inviting Judy Neubauer, Associate Vice President for Research and Regulatory Affairs, as an Office of Research and Economic Development (ORED) ex officio RGPEC member. This is in response to the Senate's inquiry regarding how to replace the Senior Vice President for Research and Graduate and Professional Education (obsolete job title) as an ex officio member, as stated in the RGPEC standing charge. [ORED Organization Chart]

Committee Reports: 

Budget and Finance Committee (BFC) Response to Charge S-1408 on Athletics Program Deficits - BFC Chair Menahem Spiegel

The BFC has been charged as follows: Charge S-1408, Athletics Program Deficits: "Study the sources and the use of funds by the Athletic Department and make recommendations concerning the use of funds from the University operating budget and student fees to support athletics expenditures. When discussing this charge, the Budget and Finance Committee may wish to ask the Student Affairs Committee for input relative to student funding of athletics. It may also want to consider the recent New Brunswick Faculty Council’s detailed report entitled the 'Athletics Program's Revenues, Expenditures, and Deficit.'"

Issues/Proposed Charges:

Proposed Charge to Research, and Graduate and Professional Education Committee (RGPEC) on Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) Implementation, and Rationale, submitted by Jane Otto, RGPEC Chair: 

Investigate and make recommendations with regard to an implementation of Open Researcher and Contributor IDs (ORCID) (i.e. minting ORCID IDs) at Rutgers. If deemed appropriate, make specific recommendations for incremental implementation, for example, beginning with the graduate school(s). Identify benefits, processes, timeline, who would be involved, and approximate costs. Respond to Senate Executive Committee by December 2015.

Division of Graduate Studies Proposal, and Overview of Graduate School - New Brunswick - Submitted by Kathleen Scotto, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences Dean, and Jerome Kukor, Graduate School - New Brunswick Dean

Proposed Charge to Academic Standards, Regulations and Admissions Committee (ASRAC) on Academic Calendar for All RBHS Units - Suggested by Matthew Miller, Assistant RBHS Registrar

5.    [At approximately 2:15 p.m.] Discussion of Enterprise Risk Management Issues for Possible Committee Consideration and Charges
on class attendance for students who receive federal assistance, and compliance for hearing/vision-impaired students in online courses - Nicole Medrozo, Deputy Chief of Enterprise Risk and Compliance, and Fran Bouchoux, Interim Senior Vice President

6.    Old Business

Continued Discussion of Proposed Merger of School of Law - Camden and School of Law - Newark (Continued)

Supporting Documents:
Proposed Charge on Modifying Academic Calendar and Exam Times for Online Courses, submitted by James Massachaele, Executive Vice Dean of SAS-NB via email as follows:

"I write in my capacity as Executive Vice-Dean of SAS to ask the Senate to consider a proposal for making an adjustment to the University's exam schedule. A number of faculty in SAS have asked for an improved process for scheduling final exams in online courses. Currently the University makes no provision for this. Many faculty who teach online courses feel that in-person final exams are the best way to ensure the integrity of the exam. To make the scheduling of final exams for online courses more effective, we propose that the University set aside and advertise certain time slots as standard exam times for online courses. You can find details of the proposal on the attached document. Please let me know if you need more detail or if there is a different avenue I need to pursue to have the proposal considered by the Senate."

This matter was discussed at the January Executive Committee meeting, where it was suggested that ASRAC Chair Martha Cotter would consult with Instruction, Curricula and Advising Committee (ICAC) Chair Natalie Borisovets to determine how this issue may fit in with ICAC discussions on exam space and facilities, and online course exams. The issue was discussed again at the February meeting, at which Academic Standards, Regulations, Admissions Committee Co-chair Martha Cotter and Instruction, Curriculum and Advising Committee Chair Natalie Borisovets were present. Cotter and Borisovets agreed to draft a charge on the matter, which will come to the Executive Committee.

7.    New Business

Discussion of Senate Participation in Rutgers' 250th Anniversary

University Senate Agenda for March 27, 2015
9.    Adjournment