Executive Committee


March 12, 2010 - 1:10 p.m.

1.    Chairpersons' Report

2.    Secretary’s Report 3.    Administrative Liaison 4.    Standing Committees and Nominating Panel

Selection of Nominating Panel Members for Election of 2010-11 Senate Officers, Executive Committee Members, and Board Representatives

Committee Reports:

Research, and Graduate and Professional Education Committee Response to Charge S-0913, Opportunity Disparities between Part- and Full-Time Master’s and Professional Degree Programs - The RGPEC had been charged as follows:

Charge S-0913 - Opportunity Disparities between Part- and Full-Time Master’s and Professional Degree Programs: Evaluate existing and potential disparities in intellectual opportunity and services offered between part-time and full-time master’s and professional degrees. Look into the effects of such disparities on students, including students' ability to complete these degrees on time. Assess logistical constraints as well as cross-listing benefits.  Respond to Senate Executive Committee by March 5, 2010.

[Expected soon. Link not yet active.] University Structure and Governance Committee Response to Charge S-0712, Enhanced Shared Governance, and University Senate - The USGC had been charged as follows:

Charge S-0712 - Enhanced Shared Governance, and University Senate: Review the Senate Handbook and Bylaws, and make recommendations or suggestions for revision based on the USGC's self-submitted "Proposal to Review Senate Operations to Enhance Shared Governance. Respond to Senate Executive Committee by March 2010.

Issues/Proposed Charges:

Proposed Charge/Issue regarding Academic Calendar, Seven-Week "Mini-terms" and Spring Break Saturdays, sent by Camilo Garcia, Camden Registrar. [Note: This charge was discussed at the February 2010 Executive Committee meeting, and a charge was to have been drafted, but Martha Cotter, ASRAC co-chair, would like to revisit the discussion.]

Senate Efficiency, and Renewal of Senate Revitalization Committee Recommendations and Identified Issues

5.    March 26, 2010 University Senate Agenda
6.    Old Business

7.    New Business

8.    Adjournment