Executive Committee


March 15, 2013 - 1:10 p.m.

1.    Chairpersons' Report

2.    Secretary’s Report
3.    Administrative Liaison
4.    Standing Committees

Committee Report:

Faculty and Personnel Affairs Committee (FPAC) Response to Charge S-1012A on Balance of Full-Time and Part-Time Teaching [Link not yet active. Report is being drafted. It will be summarized at this meeting, and circulated via email when finalized by the FPAC next week.]  - The FPAC has been charged as follows:

Consider the 1999 Report on the Balance of Full-time and Part-time Faculty Teaching at Rutgers University, and, with updated numbers and charts from the Office of Academic Affairs, make recommendations concerning changing trends and shifting percentages.  [Note: Data received from the administration on this issue in 2010 were updated but incomplete. The request for updated information was renewed in March 2012.] 

Issues/Proposed Charges:

Proposed Charge to University Structure and Governance Committee (USGC) on Reviewing Senate and University Policies on Faculty Eligibility in the Senate, submitted by Peter Gillett, USGC Co-chair: [Possibly co-charge FPAC] Review policies relating to Senate eligibility for faculty, and make recommendations to clarify ambiguities or correct problems relating to Senate eligibility and definitions of "faculty," "full-time," "tenure-track," "non-tenure-track," "part-time," etc. as they relate to Rutgers and existing UMDNJ employees.

Related Proposed Charge to USGC submitted by Senator Brian Coleman: "Clarify the role and positions that full-time, non-tenure-track faculty can hold in the Senate, particularly if they are annual appointees." Rationale: In the resolution that was passed in April 2001 annuals are mentioned but it is not clear if this is in reference to part-time annuals or full-time annuals.

Proposed Charge to Academic Standards, Regulations and Admissions Committee on Add/Drop Period, submitted by Richard Edwards, Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs: [Follow this link to read EVP Edwards' March 1, 2013 memo on this matter.] "We are asking that [the USGC/Senate] consider either: extending the add/drop period to the end of the second week of classes, such that the deadline for both dropping and adding classes would be Friday September 13; or, extending one or more of these deadlines to the Monday or Tuesday of the following week (September 16/17). If there are other options that address the issues raised that the committee would prefer, we would of course be open to those as well."

Proposed Charge to ASRAC on Minors on Campus Policy/Task Force Report, submitted in a Memo by Richard Edwards, Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs: "Review and respond to the Report of the Minors on Campus Task Force." [Members of the Task Force.]

Proposed Charge to Instruction, Curricula and Advising Committee (ICAC) or ASRAC on Test-Optional Admissions, submitted by Senator Robert Boikess: "Look into whether test-optional admissions should be implemented for applicants to some or all of our undergraduate schools and colleges."

Rationales: 1. Requiring one of the available standardized tests of all applicants may not be consistent with achieving a maximally diverse student body. 2. Results on standardized test are not the best predictors of success in college. 3. The costs of preparing for and taking a standardized test, sometimes more than once, can be substantial and may impose a financial hardship on many students. [See also Inside Higher Ed article on this subject.]

Proposed Charge to Budget and Finance Committee (BFC) on Creating a Smoke-Free Rutgers, submitted by Robert Barraco, Student Affairs Committee (SAC)  Co-chair, on behalf of the SAC:  "Examine the impact and means of evolving into a smoke-free Rutgers."  [The BFC's standing charge includes the following: "To consider broad issues related to physical plant and infrastructure, space, transportation, and safety on and among the three campuses." The FPAC's standing charge includes the following: "To address issues related to workplace climate, personnel workload, career development and opportunities for professional advancement, and working conditions for all employees in the University." The SAC's standing charge includes the following: "To examine and address general student interests in University policies and operations, including, but not limited to, such matters as University policies on student use of drugs and alcohol..."]

Rationale: Current methods of dealing with second-hand smoke are ineffective. The 25-foot rule is logistically unenforceable. There is a current trend among other universities to create smoke-free campuses. Large business campuses are also creating smoke-free environments. Education regarding the dangers of smoking and second-hand smoke exists, but needs to be more prevalent.

Proposed Charge to Faculty and Personnel Affairs Committee (FPAC) on Dual Career Services/Programs, submitted by FPAC Co-chair Ann Gould on behalf of the FPAC: "Examine the desirability of establishing a dual career services program within Rutgers Human Resources in order to enhance the ability of Rutgers to recruit and retain faculty and staff who may need to relocate to accept a position at the institution. Research policies at peer institutions that provide the accompanying partner with the tools and services to access resources for an effective job search and make recommendations as appropriate."

Potential Issue for Senate Review:

Middle States Periodic (Five-Year) Review Report: This report may soon be forthcoming from the administration, possibly with a request for Senate review or communication.

Charge Modifications or Deadline Extensions:
5.    Concept Plans for Special Student Organizations

United States Students Association: The United States Students Association (USSA) Concept Plan has been withdrawn by the USSA.

New Jersey Public Interest Research Group (NJPIRG) Student Chapters Concept Plan: The Senate Student Affairs Committee reviewed the NJPIRG concept plan, and responds to the Senate Executive Committee as follows:

"The Student Affairs Committee of the Rutgers University Senate met in Newark on 2/22/13. We reviewed the concept plans from the United States Student Association (USSA) and the New Jersey Public Interest Research Group (NJPIRG) Student Chapters.  The Committee decided to approve both concept plans as written. Both organizations have demonstrated value both in the education of and support of students at Rutgers University. The USSA concept plan asks for an increase in funding from $0.50 per year per student via RUSA to $3.50 per semester per student with an opt out in order to improve management of its programs on the state level. The NJPIRG concept plan asks for continuance of the current $11.20 fees per semester in an opt out manner in order to support its many programs of benefit to our students."

The Senate Executive Committee must now review the concept plan and determine whether it satisfies the following requirements as stated in University Policy 10.3.3 on Special Student Organization Funding:

The Senate Executive Committee, upon the recommendation of the Student Affairs Committee (or, in rare circumstances, on its own evaluation), shall review and approve the concept plan with the criteria of determining whether the educational value of the organization justifies the proposed investment in resources, and that the organization has demonstrated the need for the funding mechanism outlined in these procedures. The University Senate Executive Committee shall make a recommendation to the University President within thirty (30) class days after the first regularly scheduled meeting of the Senate’s Student Affairs Committee following receipt of the petitioning student organization’s concept plan and all required supporting documents. The Executive Secretary of the Senate will forward to the University President and the Vice President for Student Affairs and/or Associate/Vice Chancellor(s) for Student Affairs any such concept plans, recommendations, and supporting documents.

6.    Agenda for March 29, 2013 Senate Meeting
7.    Old Business

8.    New Business

9.    Adjournment