Executive Committee


June 3, 2016 - 1:10 p.m.

1.    Chairperson's Report

2.    Secretary’s Report 3.    Administrative Report - Robert Barchi, University President

4.    Standing Committees/Panels

Draft Standing Committee Rosters 2016-17, and Assignment of Chairs [Committee rosters will be distributed in hardcopy at the meeting.

Issues/Proposed Charges:

Proposed Charge on Handling of Student Complaints: Faculty Senator David Hughes writes: "The union is now dealing with at least two grievances arising from student complaints handled poorly." Natalie Borisovets discussed the matter with Hughes, and writes that it "...does seem to be a legitimate area of concern. There are apparently a couple of cases where the AAUP has had to become involved because the lack of any recognized channels for student complaints resulted in things escalating way beyond what would seem to be necessary." Hughes proposes a charge "along the lines of":

Design a procedure for investigating student complaints against instructors, beginning at the department level, and, if necessary, escalating upwards from there.

Proposed Charge on Senate Standing Committee Structure and Standing Charges, submitted by Student Senator Justin Schulberg:

Consider and make recommendations for modifying the Senate's standing committee structure and/or charges. Consider whether the Senate should issue a standing charge to an existing committee or create a new committee to deal with issues concerning athletics, general health and wellness of the University community, and social issues facing the University. Consider other committee structure modifications that may be needed or proposed. [Note: Review of the standing committee structure was last undertaken in 2007.]

Report Reviews - The following Senate reports or matters are due for review:

Senate Standing Committee Structure and Standing Charges
Response to Charge S-0801, Employee Professional and Personal Development

5.    Old Business

Draft Report on Parliamentary Procedure,
submitted by Peter Gillett, Senate Parliamentarian, Vice Chair, and Chair-Elect

Proposal to Hold Executive Committee Meetings on Campuses Other than New Brunswick: This suggestion was discussed briefly at the previous Executive Committee meeting. Consider holding one Executive Committee meeting per semester in Newark or Camden.
6.    New Business

7.    Adjournment