Executive Committee


September 5, 2003  -  1:10 p.m.
Rutgers Student Center, Room 413

1. Chairperson’s Report

2. Secretary’s Report

3. Administrative Liaison 4. September 19, 2003 Senate Meeting Agenda, President McCormick’s Annual Address to the Community, and Reception

5. Targum Concept Plan Review:  Referendum Guidelines require Targum and NJPIRG to submit concept plans to the Senate Executive Committee by the first week of the semester prior to the semester during which the referenda will be held.  The Executive Committee or the Senate must review each concept plan to evaluate the educational value of the organization seeking to conduct a referendum, and inform the University President of its evaluation of that educational value.  The Executive Committee usually conducts this review, and is required to respond within six weeks of receiving the concept plan.  The final version of Targum’s concept plan will not be available until the day before the Executive Committee meeting, and will therefore be distributed as hardcopy at the meeting.  The Committee’s decision will be docketed on the October 3, 2003 agenda.

6. Standing Committee Membership, Actions, Reports and Charges

Appointment of Executive Committee Liaison to Instruction, Curricula and Advising Committee

Proposed Charge to University Structure and Governance Committee:  Review the Procedures for Election of At-Large Faculty Senators (and faculty Senators representing other research and academic units) as mandated by Senate bylaws.  Examine the process and make recommendations regarding simplifying and updating the election process.  Consider whether election of part-time lecturer and annual appointee Senators should be conducted by the same process.  Consult with Rita MacIndoe in the Office of Academic Affairs regarding last year’s election process and outcome, and with Senate Secretary Swalagin regarding recent PTL/Annual elections.  Respond to Senate Executive Committee by January 2004.

Consideration of Charge to Committee regarding publishers’ promotion of textbooks, offers of payment to faculty to review textbooks, and subsequent assignment by reviewing faculty of those textbooks to their courses.  This issue was brought to Chairperson Panayotatos’s attention by FAS-NB Dean Holly Smith, and relates to a Chronicle of Higher Education article which is copyrighted with restricted online access.  Those Executive Committee members with Chronicle subscriptions may access the article online at:

7. Old Business

Nominees for Faculty Representative to the Board of Governors:

Replacement for Arlene Walker-Andrews as Rutgers’ representative to the Coalition on Intercollegiate Athletics and co-chair of the Enrollment and Student Services Assessment and Master Plan Committee

8. New Business

9. Adjournment