Executive Committee

September 4, 2015 - 1:10 p.m.

1.    Chair’s Report

2.    Secretary’s Report

3.    Administrative Liaison 4.    Review of Daily Targum Concept Plan for Spring 2016 Referendum

5.    Standing Committees

Review of Standing Committee Membership/Rosters [Anthony Tamburello, RBHS Staff Senator, has agreed to chair the Research, and Graduate and Professional Education Committee.]


Instruction, Curricula and Advising Committee (ICAC) Response to Charge S-1413 on Selection Process for Software Packages or Services of Significant Instructional ImpactNatalie Borisovets, ICAC Chair

The ICAC was charged as follows: Using the most recent Pearson contract as a case in point, review the process by which large contracts that have the potential to seriously affect curricular or academic areas of the University are awarded. How are final bidders selected, and by what criteria are choices made? How are specifications determined for components/needs? How do we ensure that faculty preferences and pedagogical priorities are included in the consideration of such packages?

University Structure and Governance Committee (USGC) Response to Charge S-1403 on Process for Unit Mergers or Other Structural Changes – Jon Oliver and Robert Puhak, USGC Co-chairs

The USGC was charged as follows: Consider whether the University Senate should establish a general procedure, timeline, template and process for merging, dissolution or making structural changes to any university unit. Consider how such a process could assist the university and units in working in a deliberate, consultative and rational way so that all issues, impacts, concerns and benefits can be properly considered on a timely basis. Make recommendations on time limits, and process.

University Structure and Governance Committee Response to Charge S-1410 on Honorary Degree and Commencement Speaker Selection Processes – Jon Oliver and Robert Puhak, USGC Co-chairs

The USGC was charged as follows: Formulate details of processes to be used to facilitate the proposal submitted to President Barchi on Charge S-1405 on Procedures for Selecting Commencement Speakers and Honorary Degree Recipients.

Issues/Proposed Charges:

Proposed Charge to Academic Standards, Regulations and Admissions Committee (ASRAC) on Academic (and Holiday) Calendar for All RBHS Units - Suggested by Matthew Miller, Assistant RBHS Registrar

This proposed charge was discussed at the June 2015 Executive Committee, at which it was agreed that the Academic Standards, Regulations and Admissions Committee would decide what should be done with the issue. ASRAC Chair Martha Cotter suggests the following language for the charge:

Consider the academic calendars of the various units of RBHS and how they differ from one another and from the academic calendar of legacy Rutgers. Make proposals for reconciling the different calendrs where possible, and for incorporating the RBHS calendar(s) in the official Rutgers academic calendar.

Determination of which numbers of faculty lines should be used for Senate entitlement calculations.
Numbers received in the past from the administration have included only state-funded lines. RBHS and possibly other units include many faculty not on state lines.

From Robert Boikess, as “a matter of interest for the Senate,” on flawed evaluations of faculty teaching

From James Oleske, RBHS:

1. I believe that the medical residents that our faculty supervise, teach and direct for three to seven year periods of residency training, should be considered graduate/post graduate students of Rutgers and after completion of their residency training programs considered Rutgers Alumni.
2. I would ask for the continued and strong support of the RGPEC in advocating for the continued support of library services in the maintenance for repository/collections that support literature searches and access for faculty, residents and students. In particular I am concerned about any support reduction of the Smith library servicing the Newark campus of NJMS/Rutgers.
3. There have been several negative consequences due to the separation of the university hospital in Newark NJ from Rutgers NJMS that threatens the education and clinical training goals for students, residents and faculty at Rutgers NJMS.

6.    University Senate Agenda

September 18, 2015 Senate Meeting:

7.    Old Business

Update on Open Access Policy Implementation [See October 2012 Senate Report on Charge S-1107, Publication Repository. Policy effective September 1, 2015.] – Jane Otto

8.    New Business

Jon Oliver suggests inviting to an Executive Committee meeting: Kim Pastva, Interim Secretary of the University; Kenneth Cop (on public safety), Executive Director of Police Services.

9.    Adjournment