Executive Committee

October 5, 2018 - 12:00 noon


1. Chairperson's Report - Peter Gillett, Senate Chair

2. Secretary’s Report - Mary Mickelsen, Senate Executive Secretary 

3. Administrative Report - Barbara Lee, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

4. Resolution Concerning Faculty, Staff, and Students [Based on a previous Senate resolution in 2014] - Submitted by Karen Thompson

Background: The current negotiations for new contracts to replace those that expired almost three month ago are different in a number of ways from all the past negotiations between the faculty Union (AAUP-AFT) and the Rutgers Administration. Never before has the administration been so blatant in its unwillingness to negotiate seriously. They delayed even beginning negotiations for months after the normal starting date. They imposed a totally insufficient schedule of two short sessions a month and have barely responded to faculty proposals or made proposals of their own. Most remarkably, they still have not made an economic proposal, clearly demonstrating their lack of concern for the economic welfare of the faculty and the absence of any serious motivation on their part to reach a settlement.


Be it resolved that the University Senate calls on the administration to enter into serious negotiations with all faculty and staff unions in order to reach fair settlements as expeditiously as possible.

Be it further resolved that we urge the administration when making proposals on economic compensation, to pay particular attention to redressing the salary inequities and injustices among the lower paid groups of faculty and staff as well the issues of gender equity and salary compensation; and

Be it further resolved that we most strongly urge the University not to burden students with additional increases in tuition and fees in order to meet the eminently reasonable economic needs of faculty and staff.

5. Standing Committees/Panels

Committee Report:

Faculty and Personnel Affairs Committee (FPAC) Response to Charge S-1712 on Procedures for Handling Student Complaints Against Rutgers Personnel - Farid Alizadeh and Joseph Markert, FPAC Co-Chairs

The FPAC has been charged as follows:

Consider and make recommendations for improving procedures for handling student complaints against Rutgers personnel, as well as how those procedures are communicated to students and personnel.

Issues/Proposed Charges:

Proposed Charge to Instruction Curricula and Advising Committee (ICAC) on Student Success: Advising and Career Services- Submitted by Natalie Borisovets

Proposed Charge: Examine issues relating to undergraduate advising across the university, including issues relating to transfer students. Review the current use of academic advising technology such as the Student Success Collaborative and Degree Navigator. How can we better integrate advising and career services? Review the organizational structure for the career services function at Rutgers University with a view toward optimizing service delivery. How do we best work to ensure the realization and assessment of successful post-graduation outcomes of all students?

Rationale: ICAC spent some time last Spring, when we had no formal charges, talking about a variety of issues relating to academic advising. There are many of these, including an apparent disconnect between general advising and departmental requirements. In our discussions it also became apparent that there needed to be a strong connection between advising and career services although most committee members had no idea of what career services really did. We had New Brunswick Career Services do a presentation at one of our meetings and came away very impressed with their current approach and how that could/should dovetail with academic advising. So, while we had started thinking about two separate charges - one relating to advising and one relating to career services - we decided that ultimately they were two sides of the same coin and should be considered together.

6. Old Business

Second Review of Daily Targum Concept Plan, Financial Statements (2015-2016 and 2017-18), and Letter of Intent for Spring 2019 Referendum

At the September 7 Executive Committee meeting the Daily Targum Concept Plan, which had been submitted in preparation for a spring 2019 referendum, was reviewed. The committee rejected the plan in its current form and requested the following items be included, based on policy 10.3.3 - Student Services & Other Student-Related Policies and Programs, and resubmitted for this meeting: 

Other supporting documents submitted for this meeting's review:

7.  New Business

Selection of Members of Dean's Evaluation Committees for:

8. University Senate October 19, 2019 Agenda

9. Adjournment