Executive Committee
October 6, 2006  -  10:00 a.m.
[NOTE: Items may be added to the agenda shortly before or during the meeting. The September 22 EC Minutes will be distributed in hardcopy at the meeting.]
1.     Chairperson’s Report
2.     Secretary’s Report
Executive Committee Minutes of September 22, 2006
3.     Administrative Liaison
Administrative Report  [Note: President McCormick is testifying before the Capital Planning Commission in Trenton.]
4.     Proposed Committee Charges

To Instruction, Curricula and Advising Committee:

[Tabled at September 22 meeting] Assess how well the current structure of business education at Rutgers serves the needs of students on all three regional campuses.  Make appropriate recommendations for how the University could better serve these needs.

To Student Affairs Committee:

The Student Affairs Committee requests that the Senate Executive Committee issue to the SAC the following charge:

Assess whether Rutgers Newark and New Brunswick students believe Targum provides a quality newspaper which serves their academic needs efficiently and effectively, and whether Targum's optional fee of $9.75 per year is appropriate relative to Targum's value. In formulating its report, the SAC should consider Targum's Concept Plan, and should consult, both within and outside of its meetings, students from Rutgers' Newark and New Brunswick campuses. Targum should also be invited to send a representative from its staff and/or board to attend a SAC meeting at which this issue will be discussed. Respond to Senate Executive Committee by January 2, 2007.
To University Structure and Governance Committee: 

PTL Senator Karen Thompson requests the following charge be issued:

Consider to what extent PTLs and Annuals could be further included in governance processes.  Since there are about 1000 PTLs and 600-700 Annuals perhaps increased representation in the Senate is in order. Survey departments to determine to what extent PTLs and / or Annuals are included in governance at the departmental level with an eye to recommending that departments re-evaluate this question.

To Instruction, Curricula and Advising Committee:

Senator Boikess suggested the following charge:

Examine the legal and ethical ramifications of the sale of examination and desk copies of textbooks by faculty members who have received them at no cost. Propose a University policy on this practice. If necessary, propose regulations as well. Identify or propose programs to assist faculty members who wish to dispose of these materials appropriately.

Senator Szatrowski requests the following charge:

Consider rescinding the restriction against faculty teaching more than one course during any single Wintersession. [Senator Szatrowski's background document on this issue has been posted at ]

To Academic Standards, Regulations and Admissions Committee::

Senator Boikess also suggested the following charge:

Investigate the extent of commercial note taking at Rutgers and propose regulations to provide faculty members with appropriate control of this activity in their courses.

To Equal Opportunity Committee::

Michael LaSala and Connie Ellis, former co-chairs of the Equal Opportunity Committee, propose the following charge:

Research and develop a plan for a center for diversity and tolerance (name to be decided) that is similar to those at comparable universities but which suits the unique needs of the Rutgers system (e.g. 3 campuses, etc.).

Revision of Charge S-0502 to Faculty Affairs and Personnel Committee:

Ann Gould, co-chair of the Faculty Affairs and Personnel Committee, at the September 22 EC meeting requested that Charge S-0502 be revised to include
research annuals as well as teaching annuals:

Revised Charge S-0502, Status of full-time, non-tenure-track, non-clinical faculty: Review the status of full-time non-tenure-track faculty who are not clinical faculty, including teaching as well as research faculty. Consider whether changes in university regulations or policies should be proposed that would provide improved conditions for full-time, non-tenure-track faculty with respect to length and continuity of appointment, reappointment, performance evaluation, governance rights, and access to internal research funding, in order to enhance the delivery of high-quality undergraduate education by this group of faculty. Recommend specific policy changes as appropriate. Recommend guidelines and general principles for proposals that might be formulated by the administration on these matters. Deadline for this charge: November 2006.

5.     Review of Academic Standards, Regulations and Admissions Committee Response to Charge S-0411: Student Transcripts Content: Original Charge: Consider and make recommendations regarding the proposal to increase the information content of student transcripts.  Respond to Senate Executive Committee by October 2006. Although the report is not yet ready, Martha Cotter, ASRAC co-chair, will summarize what she foresees as the content of a report to be docketed on the October 27 Senate agenda.
6.     Targum Concept Plan (Continued from September 22 meeting): Input from Student Affairs Committee, and approval of educational content of Targum Concept Plan

7.     Old Business
8.     New Business
9.     October 27, 2006 Senate Meeting Agenda
10.      Adjournment