Executive Committee


November 7, 2003  -  1:10 p.m.

1. Chairperson’s Report

2. Secretary’s Report

3. Administrative Liaison 4. NJPIRG Student Chapters Concept Plan - for consideration and evaluation of the educational value of NJPIRG Student Chapters’ programs.  The Senate must respond no later than December 12, 2003.

5. Standing Committee Reports, Charges, Actions and Membership

Potential Committee Charge to Academic Standards, Regulations and Admissions Committee on Academic Calendar:  Consider and report on the default academic calendar, particularly for AY 2005-2006 and others which call for an August 31 start date.  Academic Calendars online:  2003-2005, 2006-2008, 2009-2011, 2012-2014.

Potential Charge to Equal Opportunity Committee on Rutgers joining FAIR v. Rumsfeld:  Senator Peter Simmons, in a letter to Secretary Swalagin dated October 25, 2003, that Rutgers be encouraged to join FAIR v. Rumsfeld as a party plaintiff.  FAIR v. Rumsfeld involves US military discrimination against homosexuals, and educational institutions’ tolerance of that discrimination to avoid possible loss of federal funds.  Read the text of Senator Simmons’ letter online.  Additional information on FAIR v. Rumsfeld is available online at:  Senator Simmons also sent his letter and its attachments to members of the Senate Equal Opportunity Committee.  Those documents are not available electronically, and will be distributed as hardcopy at the Executive Committee meeting.  Proposed Charge to Equal Opportunity Committee:  Examine and report on the feasibility and desirability of Rutgers joining FAIR v. Rumsfeld as a party plaintiff.

Potential Charge to Student Affairs Committee on Handbook for Student Organizations, Rutgers-Newark, provision that undergraduate students may not hold office in graduate student organizations, and vice versa.  Lev Zilbermints, Rutgers-Newark student, and president of the Graduate Political Science Association in Newark, requested via e-mail that the Senate take up the issue of whether it is appropriate to restrict graduate and undergraduate students from holding office or membership in each other’s student organizations.  Vice President for Student Affairs Emmet Dennis currently chairs a task force charged by President McCormick with standardizing student organization policies and guidelines.  The task force has met once to date.  It includes no student members, and its focus is New Brunswick rather than university-wide.

Discussion of Senators who are unable to attend committee meetings

6. November 21, 2003 Senate Meeting Agenda

7. Old Business

Discussion of Recent Reports on the Proposal to Restructure Higher Education in New Jersey

8. New Business

9. Adjournment