Text of March 19, 2001 Memorandum from President Francis L. Lawrence

Subject: Resolution on Review of Teaching Assistant Training

Thank you very much for transmitting the Resolution on Review of Teaching Assistant Training, as approved by the University Senate at its meeting on February 23, 2001. By copy of this memorandum, I am sending the Resolution to Professor Ziva Galili, Vice Dean of The Graduate School, who is working with a Committee of faculty, staff, and undergraduate and graduate students on this issue. Professor Kathy Scott has been representing the Senate’s work to that Committee, and Professor Paul Clemens serves a parallel function regarding the work of the New Brunswick Faculty Council.

The Committee is scheduled to report its recommendations by the end of this semester, and is including in its deliberations concerns regarding all undergraduate instruction delivered by non-faculty, whether teaching assistants, part-time lecturers, or annuals. I understand that it is particularly focusing on the issues surrounding instruction provided by non-native speakers of English, especially in the scientific and mathematical fields. It is also deeply respectful, as is the Senate report, of the wisdom of acknowledging disciplinary differences in proposed improvements of teaching assistant training and TA-delivered instruction.

Even before the Committee makes its recommendations, however, many of the Senate’s resolutions can be implemented. First, with regard to your Executive Summary, I agree with the following:

With regard to your specific recommendations, I am asking Newark Provost Norman Samuels, Camden Provost Roger Dennis, and University Vice President for Academic Affairs Joseph Seneca to reques the deans on their respective campuses to ensure the following: With regard to international teaching assistants, I am asking Dr. Kay Lynch, Director of the PALS/ESL Program, through Acting Executive Dean Falk, to ensure that The Senate has provided the University with an excellent report. I am very pleased to accept the recommendations listed above and look forward to the work of Dr. Galili’s Committee which will report to Dean Falk. We have begun to tackle this difficult issue, and are doing so on the basis of a thorough and extremely well thought-out Senate Report. Please extend my sincere thanks to the entire Senate for its leadership in this regard.