Rutgers University Senate
Student Affairs Committee
Response to Charge S-0321, Honor Cords Worn with Academic Regalia
February 2004

Original Charge:  Consider and respond to the Assistant Secretary of the University's request for advice regarding wearing of honor cords with academic regalia at commencement ceremonies.  In particular, consider which graduates/groups should be able to wear honor cords at commencement (e.g., only student activities/organizations with an academic focus, or whether other student organizations should be permitted to have graduates who participated in their activities wear a cord designating them as a member of that group at commencement); and who at Rutgers should decide which student organizations can have honor cords.  Report to Senate Executive Committee by November 26, 2003.


After consultation with Rutgers administrators and discussion amongst students, faculty, and alumni of the Student Affairs Committee, the University Senate Student Affairs Committee agreed that honor cords should be reserved for those attaining the academic qualifications necessary to currently receive an honor cord.  However, we discussed options of how students may signify their membership in various campus organizations, and concluded that students should be allowed to wear self-purchased sashes or pins indicating membership of any campus organization they wish.  Further, we recommend that the colors of the honor cords be consistent throughout the university, which would make bulk-purchasing of such cords easier.