Text of Memorandum from Jerry Scheinbeim, President, Rutgers Council of AAUP Chapters, received March 25, 2003 by fax, to Senate Executive Committee, regarding Use of Electronic Applications for Registration:

Dear Executive Committee Members:

We have received information from several EOF counselors that the University is moving towrds use of electronic applications for registration requiring students to have access to both a computer and credit card.  We are sure this works well in places like East Brunswick; however, in economically depressed areas like Newark or Elizabeth, prospective students are being blocked out because paper applications are no longer being sent.  Students are being told to print the application off their computer, which they may not have.  In addition, those students who are planning on coming to Rutgers are asked to pay a $125 fee up front by credit card.  This can be a burden for low-income students who have yet to receive any of their financial aid.

We ask that you please look into these difficulties and address them as quickly as possible.


Jerry Scheinbeim
President [Rutgers Council of AAUP Chapters, American Association of University Professors]