The Faculty Senate of William Paterson University, at its meeting on Tuesday, March 28, 2006, passed the attached resolution unanimously.
   We are fully aware of the seriousness of the State’s financial problems, but we believe that to single higher education out for special mention and crippling cuts is short-sighted and self-defeating. Numerous studies demonstrate that every dollar spent on education is repaid many times over. Not tomorrow, perhaps, but in the long run. To attempt to solve a short-term problem in this way will have serious, ongoing negative consequences in the long run. We know that you share our concerns.
   We urge you to join with us in asking the Governor and Legislature to revise the initial budget proposals.  They must protect and nurture higher education, not allow it to languish and sink in the estimation of prospective students, peer institutions and ranking organizations. If New Jersey’s colleges and universities develop an unfavorable reputation, it will take years to overcome such a stigma.
   Sincerely, and urgently,
   Bill Duffy
   Chair of the Faculty Senate

Whereas, the proposed cuts in the State of New Jersey Budget for FY 2006-2007 would drastically cut funding for higher education by over $169,000,000,
And, whereas, due to the State’s refusal to fund the salary and fringes programs (approximately $122,000,000), the actual costs to the colleges and universities are in excess of $291,000,000,
And, whereas, higher education has been grossly under funded in New Jersey for many years,
And, whereas, such draconian cuts would have a severe impact on basic and advanced academic programs at William Paterson University and at all the institutions of higher education in New Jersey,
And, whereas, a college degree is now the entry-level preparation for virtually all jobs in an increasingly technological society,
And, whereas, New Jersey already suffers from the highest rate of potential students abandoning the state to seek higher education elsewhere,
And, whereas, the colleges and universities will have to impose steep increases in tuition and fees to balance their budgets,
And, whereas, these cuts and increases in tuition will jeopardize the ability of students to complete their degrees in a timely fashion,
And, whereas, the proposed cuts and increased costs will make it impossible for many students to continue their education at the present, and may force some of them to drop out of college forever,
And, whereas, such cuts may dissuade others – high school graduates and non-traditional students – from even considering college education,
And, whereas, catastrophic cuts in services and/or programs would seriously undermine William Paterson University and New Jersey’s other institutions of higher education in their drive towards excellence,
And, whereas, diminished colleges and universities would be unable to attract and retain top-notch faculty and students,
And, whereas, a well-educated citizenry is essential for informed political decision-making and statewide economic development,
Therefore, be it resolved, that the Faculty Senate of William Paterson University strongly urges the Governor and the Legislature to act immediately to ensure the quality of higher education in New Jersey by restoring funding in the FY 2006-2007 Budget to at least the levels of the FY 2005-2006 Budget, and by fully funding all contractual obligations,
And, be it further resolved, that a copy of this Resolution be forwarded to the Governor and every member of the New Jersey Senate and the New Jersey Assembly,
And, be it further resolved, that a copy of this resolution be sent to the President of every college and university in New Jersey, and to the Chairs of their Faculty Senates for their consideration and action.
Adopted, March 28, 2006