Candidates' Statements
Special Election for Staff Member of the Executive Committee
October 2010

Justine Hernandez Levine

I hope that many of you know me: my name is Justine Hernandez Levine, and this is my third year on the University Senate, and on the Faculty and Personnel Affairs Committee. I had the privilege of representing staff Senators last year on the Executive Committee, and I would like to continue to do so this year.

As the director of the undergraduate research office in New Brunswick (better known as "Aresty"), I have developed relationships with hundreds of students, faculty, and staff across departments and units, and I see myself as a mediator among these groups both in that capacity and in the Senate. As a 12-year veteran staff member who was also a Rutgers undergraduate and who received my doctoral degree in the Philosophy of Education through the Graduate School of Education, I know Rutgers intimately from multiple perspectives, and am deeply invested in the institution and the community. While I do represent the staff members in New Brunswick, I am interested in the non-partisan work that we can do together as advocates for Rutgers. As a member of the Executive Committee, I am currently serving on the Committee on Shared Governance, which will review both the role of the Senate at the University and its relationship to its constituents. I would like to continue my work with that group and with the Executive Committee, helping to provide leadership and direction to the Senate so that it can continue to function effectively as a voice of the University community to the administration. I would hope to bring to the Executive Committee my talent for diplomacy, and my willingness to work on behalf of our common goals.

Tim DiVito

My name is Tim DiVito and I am running for the Staff position on the University Senate's Executive Committee. I believe that I am uniquely qualified for this position and I ask for your support. I have already served as a member of the Executive Committee, when I served as a Student Senator from Livingston College in 2005. As a member of the Executive Committee, I made many contacts with students, faculty and administrators, some of whom I still keep in contact with today.

I take great pride in my relationship with the Rutgers University Community. I received a Bachelor's Degree from Livingston College and the School of Communication and Information and a Masters of Business Administration from the School of Business - Camden. I am currently the Web Services Manager for the School of Law - Camden, working with the Law School's faculty and staff on a number of IT projects. I was also asked last spring to teach two undergraduate MIS classes for the School of Business - Camden.

I would be extremely honored to bring my experience with and passion for Rutgers University to the Senate's Executive Committee, where I hope to be an excellent representative for all members of the University.