From: Camilo Garcia
Sent: Wed 1/20/2010 8:55 AM
To: Samuel Rabinowitz
Subject: Saturday Classes

Hi Sam,
I wanted to follow up with you regarding a conversation we had a few weeks back. 
As you know, SBC (and now to a lesser extent FAS) is offering more Saturday classes.  This brings two recommendations that I would ask you to bring up to the University Faculty Senate when considering the subsequent academic calendars.
The first is the request to have the 7 week (mini terms) be part of the official calendar. As you know, we have incorporated this into Camden’s Academic calendar, but I wonder if it could be part of the University Academic Calendar.
The second, is the Saturdays involving Spring break.  Currently Spring break involves the two Saturdays at the beginning and end of the Spring Break dates.  This creates a challenge in meeting the requisite number of Saturdays and still be finished by the end of Finals week, and it is an ongoing challenge for the 7 week terms, as we essentially need add 15 minutes to 6 Saturday sessions to make up the missing 7th Saturday.  So basically I am requesting that the Faculty Senate consider reviewing the need to have both Saturdays encompasses the Spring break dates, so that only one Saturday makes up Spring Break.
If you would prefer to discuss this in more detail or have questions, please feel free to contact me.

Camilo F. Garcia
Registrar, Camden Campus
Rutgers University
311 North 5th Street
Camden, NJ 08102-1405
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