November 6, 2006

To: All Undergraduate Student Governing Associations

From: Kenneth W. Swalagin
Executive Secretary of the University Senate

Subject: Invitation to Recommend Students who will be Juniors on July 1, 2007 for the Student Charter Trustee 2007 Vacancy and Remainder of the Vacated Student Charter Trustee 2003 Term

I am writing to solicit nominations for two Student Charter Trustee positions on the Board of Trustees.

Board of Trustees bylaws provide for Student Charter Trustee members.  Bylaw I.2.D. establishes criteria for the election of student Trustees:

Twenty-eight charter Trustees, of whom at least three shall be women, [shall be] elected by the Board of Trustees. Commencing with the charter Trustee election of 1991 and continuing biannually thereafter, with the final total of three being reached in 1995, three of the charter Trustees shall be initially elected as undergraduate students entering their junior year at the University following the completion of a minimum of two full years of study at the University. Efforts will be made to the extent possible to diversify representation among the three Rutgers campuses in the selection of the student charter Trustees. Commencing in 1995, at least one of the three student charter Trustee seats shall be occupied by a student from Camden or Newark campuses.  If a student charter Trustee resigns during his or her term of office, the vacancy shall be filled by an undergraduate student entering his or her junior year at the University following the completion of a minimum of two full years of study at the University.

Bylaw IV.1.A.2.(a) states that the nominating Committee of the Board of Trustees shall select one candidate to place before the Board from among at least three students recommended by the University Senate. The six-year term of the next Student Charter Trustee will run through June 30, 2013. In addition, the position formerly held by Jennifer Seto has become vacant, so a replacement should be nominated for that term, which runs through June 30, 2010.

Eligible students will include those with 48 to 83 credits in a school requiring 120 credits for graduation, 48 to 85 credits in a school requiring 124 credits for graduation, 48 to 87 credits in a school requiring 126 credits for graduation, and 48 to 88 credits in a school requiring 128 credits for graduation.

The University Senate has adopted the following procedure for recommendation of names to the Nominating Committee of the Board of Trustees for Student Charter Trustee vacancies:

Each undergraduate Student Governing Association is invited to present to the Student Affairs Committee of the University Senate, for each open Student Charter Trustee position, one student who will be a junior on July 1, 2007, who is in good standing, and who is willing to carry out the responsibilities of the Student Charter Trustee term(s) commencing July 1, 2007.

To assure an open process throughout the University, it is suggested that each Student Governing Association establish a procedure and give notice on official bulletin boards as well as through campus print and electronic media.

The one submission per vacancy from each undergraduate Student Governing Association must include the following:  name, college affiliation, campus address, a one-page typed resume or background statement, a cover letter of intent by the individual being nominated, and certification of selection by the SGA.

The submissions from each undergraduate Student Governing Association must be addressed to:  “Student Affairs Committee, Rutgers University Senate” and must be received in the University Senate Office, ASB-III, Cook Campus, by  4:30 p.m., Wednesday, January 3, 2007. Campus and USPS mailing addresses for the Senate office appear in the above letterhead.

The Student Affairs Committee will review all complete submissions for evidence of public service to the University and community.  The Student Affairs Committee will then forward at least three of the submissions to the Executive Secretary of the University Senate by Tuesday, January 23, 2007, to be circulated for Senate Executive Committee review and transmission to the Nominating Committee of the Board of Trustees.

Thank you for your participation in this important process.

c: All Undergraduate Student Senators