Text of David Finegold's Email to Paul Panayotatos and Natalie Borisovets, February 2012:

There are several different efforts going on which we would welcome the Senate’s involvement:
-          I’ve proposed a task force to Pres. McCormick to examine how RU organizes to meet the needs of non-traditional students.  Creating a School to serve this population, like most of our peers have, would be one option it will consider.  My current thinking would be that if we went this route, the School would not have tenured or tenure track faculty.  Have proposed Sam R. be on this to represent both Camden and the Senate
-          We are excited to be bringing together many of the different units involved in supporting online education and doing research on best practice in digital learning into a single unit.  This would include COHLIT headed by Rich Novak, CTAAR and a new RU-wide research center with faculty from GSE, SCI and other schools.  We had over 300 faculty and staff register for our conference last week on online and hybrid learning.  A major goal of this effort is to insure strong faculty governance and input into our online learning efforts so that they match or exceed
the quality of what we’re doing f2f.  Gary G. will be chairing an operations group from the different academic units and we’d be pleased to have Natalie join this.
-          There is an RFP now out to have a private sector partner work with us to help develop, market and support a set of fully online degrees.  Proposals are due back on Jan. 18.  Faculty will retain their instructional oversight role and Schools will retain control over admissions.  The group that will be reviewing the proposals includes faculty from many schools. 
In addition to the items you mention, Joanna and I were also in the process of sending a proposal to Dick and Dick to create a committee that would look at the issues involved in Rutgers creating a campus abroad.  They looked at a couple of  possibilities for this on their just concluding China trip and we have also been exploring an opportunity in Georgia.  Was going to propose that you sit on this group if you’re willing Paul.  Given stiff competition with other groups, we’re
going potentially to need to act quickly.