Draft Charge
to a New, Senate "Institutional Climate Committee"
Submitted by Gayle Stein, April 2007

Create a new committee within the Senate's standing committee structure that replaces and incorporates the current Equal Opportunity Committee.

Institutional Climate Committee

Standing Charge: This committee shall have primary responsibility for matters associated with the university's institutional climate in areas
not specifically assigned to other committees, including policies and priorities for promoting justice, fairness, equitable treatment, and
community development at Rutgers. These responsibilities shall include, but are not limited to the following:

- To evaluate Rutgers' institutional environment and culture, and make recommendation for making the university more supportive of diversity,
and promoting justice, fairness, equitable treatment, and community development.

- To review the annual Affirmative Action reports and make relevant recommendations.

- To formulate advice and guidance related to disability issues involving structured activities.

- To make recommendations to move the university toward more transparency, particularly in its policies and practices, and toward
increasing service orientation with a goal of making Rutgers easier to navigate for students, faculty, staff, and alumni.

- To evaluate opportunities through which members of the Rutgers community may participate in personal development, recreational, or
other extracurricular or non-work-related activities.

- To consult regularly with the Director of Employment Equity and the Associate Vice President for Student Affairs, who shall be non-voting
members of this committee.