Additional Information Submitted by Senator Leslie Fishbein
in Support of a Recommended Charge on Revising Form 1-A:

Investigate how best to revise Form 1a to make it more user-friendly in terms of both input and ultimate use and to insure that all faculty members, particularly those newly appointed, are aware of how to maintain a curriculum vitae with the kinds of information about their teaching, scholarship, and service that the form requires.

To that end the subcommittee should consider using focus groups among both administrative assistants who have supervised the completion of the form and faculty members of differing situations: those seeking promotion and tenure, those seeking only promotion, and those involved in expedited tenure and promotion procedures to gain their perspectives on how to improve the usage of Form 1a. The subcommittee also should consider interviewing Richard Tedesco, Application Developer in the Office of Institutional Research and Academic Planning, and developing a questionnaire to be distributed among those who have completed the Form 1a themselves and the administrative assistants who have aided them in the process. The subcommittee should examine the technical problems involved in the formatting of the form to see if those can be eliminated, including the problems inherent in transposing the original working document to Form 1a itself, and should examine how the forms used for promotion and/or tenure by other universities that might be more user-friendly to see if any of those other forms might suggest improvements in our own.