Text of Executive Vice President Furmanski's October 20, 2010 Memo Transmitting a Revised Acceptable Use Policy, relative to the Senate's Report and Recommendations on Charge S-0310 on Email Privacy

To:       Members, University Senate Executive Committee
From:   Philip Furmanski
Re:       Email Privacy
I am writing to update you regarding the university’s response to the Senate Report and Recommendations on Charge S-0310 on Email Privacy. As you know from our discussion at the June 2010 Executive Committee meeting, email privacy concerns are now addressed in the context of our revised Acceptable Use Policy for Computing and Information Technology Resources. The Executive Committee meeting discussion about the proposed draft Acceptable Use Policy identified several remaining concerns the members had about the policy. These included a request to add a provision about giving appropriate notice, when feasible, to individuals whose private electronic information is to be accessed, and extending the provisions about technical and system administrators to refer explicitly to both central and local (unit/department) personnel. We have now modified the policy to address these and other concerns and I attach the resulting revised policy for your information. This final version will now be posted both in the online Policy Library and on the Office of Information Technology website.  We thank the Senate and its Executive Committee for their input regarding this matter.
c:          Bruce Fehn, Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration
            Don Smith, Vice President for Information Technology 
            Ken Swalagin, Executive Secretary University Senate