Potential Charge/Issue submitted by PTL Faculty Senator Won-Jong Rhee
on Rutgers Food-Distribution Systems
I was thinking about the energy saving issues related to the food left over from all the Rutgers cafeterias. Although I have no statistics about how much of food is prepared and served at all three campuses each day, and how much of eatable food is delivered every day to other places such as hog farms, I suppose it is time for us to seriously think about this area of possible food waste.
If the left-over food is delivered to the hog farms to raise the pigs for human beings, it may sound like it is not complete waste of food. If the left-over food is given to the pigs while the food is still eatable by human beings, I am afraid to say that pigs are being fed while human beings are hungry.
Collection of food for the hungry neighbors is a good campaign to make the community better, but simultaneously we should not overlook the current methods of food administration in which we may be really wasting food.
It may be shocking for all Americans to realize that how much food is wasted a day nationally while a quarter of the world people goes to bed hungry. I hear that the food wasting is serious even in the elementary
If we ignore this, it may be too late for us to regret when we face hungry time ourselves in the future. I am certain that Rutgers community should initiate study on internal food distribution systems first.