Text of President McCormick's October 20, 2010 Letter to the Senate updating his prior response on the Senate's Report and Recommendations on Charge S-0310 on Email Privacy

Dear Mr. Swalagin:
I am writing to follow-up on my May 2, 2005 response to the University Senate’s Report and Recommendations on Charge S-0310 on E-mail Privacy. In the course of updating many of the Rutgers policies and guidelines related to the use of email and other university technological resources over the last several years, we have paid close attention to the concerns raised in the original Senate report on this topic. We have also tried to reduce the number of separate policies and documents governing university computer use. The issues the Senate raised about the use and privacy of university email are now addressed in the general Acceptable Use Policy for Computing and Information Technology Resources. This document will be shared with the Senate Executive Committee under separate cover, and will soon thereafter be posted in the Rutgers online Policy Library, as well as on the Office of Information Technology website. The revised policy strikes an appropriate balance between addressing the privacy concerns of individual members of the university community and protecting the university’s operational needs and legal and fiscal responsibilities.
Sincerely yours,
Richard L. McCormick
c:  Philip Furmanski, Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
     Bruce Fehn, Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration

     Don Smith, Vice President for Information Technology