Ad Hoc Shared Governance Task Force
Draft Mission Statement
March 2010
Purpose: This task force is being formed to examine the status of shared governance at Rutgers and at comparable institutions. In keeping with the goals and mission of a major research university, Rutgers’ shared governance bodies and processes should parallel the desire for excellence which should be the goals of all academic and administrative units at The State University of New Jersey.
Specifically, the Ad Hoc Shared Governance Task Force should explore:
Membership: Task force membership should be drawn from, and be representative of deliberative governance groups (with a majority of the members being experienced University Senators, and, in particular, Executive Committee members), as well as those faculty whose areas of expertise include higher education structure and administration, organizational communication or shared governance.
Timeline: The task force is expected to meet regularly throughout the year following its establishment, and report findings and conclusions near the end of the 2010-11 academic year.