Document:  Recommendations of changes and clarifications which should be made to the BOT student charter nomination process.
Date:  20 January 2007 (E-mailed to Ken Swalagin March 2, 2007)
Author:  Brian Spatocco – EGC Senator

1.    Candidates must be nominated through an election which is held by their respective representative governing body. This election must be publicized and be open to all students who are represented by that body.

2.    If more than one student charter position is available, the elective process should distinguish between the positions and have elections respectively. 3.    Eligible students will include those who have 1) attended Rutgers for two years 2) are graduating in 20XX, and 3) are in good academic standing. 4.    The SGA must act as the intermediary and is responsible for compiling all the nominee’s requested materials in a timely and responsible manner. Failure to do so will disqualify an SGA’s respective nominees. 5.    All materials will be sent, electronically or otherwise, directly to the chair(s) of the Student Affairs Committee.