Request for Charge Extension
University Structure & Governance (USG) Committee
April 2007

Charge S-0603: Student and Faculty Senate Membership

Recommendation: The USG Committee recommends, for the 2007-2008 academic year, the number of faculty seats in New Brunswick as represented by the former Faculty of Arts and Sciences be the same as that of the new School of Arts and Sciences. The USG will recommend a permanent allocation later.

Rationale: The reallocation of seats needs to be fully explored. There are other pending and forthcoming charges that may affect this seat allocation and the Senate by-laws. Specifically, Charges 701 and 604 which address broader governance issues. In addition, it has been indicated that the Executive Committee is considering a charge to further explore staff representation issues. It is the desire for the committee to address these similar issues concurrently.

Charge S-0107: Guidelines for Special Student Organizations

Recommendation: The USG Committee recommends that, for referenda which occur before the new “Guidelines on Special Student Organizations” are adopted, the following changes be made to the current Guidelines:

Rationale: Due the complexity of the issue, ample time needs to be allowed to finalize recommendations. In addition, there is a university policy associated with the Guidelines that should also be addressed concurrently. The committee is working cooperatively with the Senate SAC and the Office of the Vice President of Student Affairs to reach consensus on recommendations. Finally, the NJPIRG referendum will occur in the fall and the committee believes it is in the best interest of everyone involved if the Guidelines would not change prior to the referendum.