University Senate Policy Concerning the Collective Bargaining Process

On March 31, 1980, the University Senate approved the following statement which expresses Senate policy concerning its role in
relation to collective bargaining:

Under University Regulation 2.2.2.B., the President must seek the advice of the Senate before acting on matters of personnel
policy, and the Senate may advise the President and the Board of Governors on any matters affecting the University. Under
current law and interpretation, collective bargaining must take place on terms and conditions of employment. Thus, when a matter
concerns only terms and conditions, collective bargaining should take place, and the Senate should refrain from offering advice,
even though it has the authority to do so. When a matter concerns only personnel policy, the Senate should advise.

Some matters, however, involve considerations both of policy and of terms and conditions. Further, individuals may disagree as to
whether a particular matter involves policy, terms and conditions, or a mixture of the two. In such a case, if the Senate, its
Executive Committee and/or Academic Personnel Committee decide that a personnel policy question is involved, the Senate may
render its unsolicited advice. Then, if either the President or AAUP thinks that terms and conditions are involved, the matter
should be submitted to collective bargaining before being implemented or brought to the Board of Governors.

From the Senate Handbook