Questions for Committee Consideration
on Report of Task Force on Undergraduate Education
Drafted by Martha Cotter, Senate Chairperson
September 2005

1.   Would it be better to go back to the nomenclature proposed originally, in which the new arts and sciences degree-granting unit would be called the “Rutgers School of Arts and Sciences” and Douglass, Livingston, etc. would be called (residential) colleges?
2.   Has the Task Force accurately assessed the strengths and weaknesses of the present structure? To what extent does the proposed structure correct the weaknesses and preserve the strengths of the current structure?
3.   Are there alternative structures that would, on balance, better correct the problems with the current structure and preserve its strengths?
4.   In what ways does the proposed structure promote the central goal of reconnecting students and faculty outside the classroom?  In what ways does it hinder realization of that goal?
5.   Do the proposed powers and responsibilities of the Vice President for Undergraduate Education, the Vice President for Student Affairs, and the “campus deans,” as well as the reporting relationships involving them, constitute a rational structure conducive to achieving the goals articulated by the Task Force?
6.   Should Douglass be preserved as a women’s college?  If so, what should be its relationship to the College (or School) of Arts and Sciences?
7.   What are the pros and cons of the proposed administrative centralization of academic advising, residence life programming, student centers, funding of student organizations, and counseling services?  Are there ways to eliminate current inequities without complete centralization?
8.   What would be the projected cost of implementing the major Task Force recommendations, including the establishment of a substantial number of learning communities and of an enhanced New Brunswick-wide Honors Program?  Is the university committed to spending the money to “do it right?”  How could learning communities and other co-curricular programs be supported in the likely event that alumni giving decreases substantially in response to the dissolution of the arts and sciences colleges?