January 12, 2001

PRESENT: MEMBERS: Barone, Borisovets, Fechter, Kelly, Koehler, Leath, Rabinowitz (Vice Chair), Scott (Chair), Swalagin (Executive Secretary), Walker-Andrews

ALSO ATTENDING: Naus (Faculty BOT Representative), Oren, Parikh (Student BOG Representative), Seneca (Administrative Liaison)

The regular meeting of the University Senate Executive Committee was held on Friday, January 12, 2001 at 1:10 p.m. in the President’s Dining Room, Brower Commons, College Avenue Campus.

1. Chairperson’s Report
Chairperson Scott called the meeting to order. She noted that the agenda comprised a good mix of items and issues from within and outside of the Senate and its committees.

2. Secretary's Report
Minutes: Minutes of the November 17, 2000 Executive Committee meeting were approved as distributed by the Secretary.
Communications: The following communications were presented and acted upon as noted:

3. Administrative Report
University Vice President Seneca reported on: President Lawrence’s recent fundraising activities; Governor Whitman’s January visit to the New Brunswick campus, and her support of high-technology and science initiatives; continuation and increase of Workforce Excellence grants; upcoming State of the State and state budget messages; status of the Equipment Leasing Fund Program; review of funding benefits under Governor Whitman; and recent faculty appointments. Dr. Seneca responded to questions about expectations for a baseline budget increase, and about Dean Barbara Shailor’s acceptance of a position outside of  Rutgers.

4. Standing Committee and Administrative Reports

 5. Standing Committee Charges 6. New Jersey Public Interest Research Group (NJPIRG) Student Chapters Concept Plan and Fee Proposal
University Senate Guidelines Regarding Special Student Organizations require that: "All petitioning student organizations which seek authorization to conduct a student body referendum under either of the alternative procedures described in the Board funding policy must first submit a ‘Concept Plan’ for review by the University Senate and approval by the University President." The Executive Committee discussed NJPIRG Student Chapters’ current Concept Plan, and approved the following resolution: Whereas, in seeking authorization to conduct fall 2001 student referenda on the New Brunswick campus to qualify for funding, NJPIRG Student Chapters submitted its Concept Plan to the Senate Executive Committee, as required by the University Senate Guidelines Regarding Special Student Organizations; and,

Whereas, the Executive Committee, acting on behalf of the University Senate, which is composed of faculty, student, alumni, and administrator members from the Camden, Newark, and New Brunswick campuses, has reviewed NJPIRG Student Chapters’ Concept Plan with the sole criterion of determining the educational value of the program;

Be It Resolved that the Executive Committee of the Rutgers University Senate, on behalf of the Rutgers University Senate, recommends NJPIRG Student Chapters’ Concept Plan to President Lawrence for administrative review and approval.

7. Proposal to Change the Grading System at the School of Law-Camden
Senator Craig Oren, as chair of the Committee on Scholastic Standing of the School of Law-Camden, summarized the school’s request for Senate approval (and subsequent recommendation to the Board of Governors) of its plan to add plus and minus grades to its grading system. University Regulation 2.4.2.B stipulates that "Any degree-granting division of the University proposing a grading system which differs from the basic system has the responsibility to . . . submit for approval by the Board of Governors, upon recommendation of the University Senate, the proposed grading system . . ." Senator Oren stated that the school is seeking fall 2001 implementation of the new grading system. Chairperson Scott and Secretary Swalagin will draft and issue a charge to the Academic Standards, Regulations and Admissions Committee to consider the proposal and submit a report and recommendations for consideration at the March 2001 Executive Committee meeting.

8. January 26, 2001 Senate Agenda
Items were docketed and scheduled for the January 26, 2001 Senate agenda, including University Vice President Seneca’s New Brunswick Campus Report, and three standing committee reports (indicated above).

9. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 3:00 p.m. by Chairperson Scott.

Kenneth Swalagin
Executive Secretary of the Senate