Text of Senator Simmons' October 25, 2003 letter requesting Senate action on FAIR v. Rumsfeld

Ken Swalagin
Secretary of the Rutgers University Senate
13 Senior Street
College Avenue Campus

Dear Ken,

On Thursday, October 23, 2003, the School of Law/Newark faculty adopted a motion (enclosed) to request our Dean to ask President McCormick to seek authorization from the Board of Governors for Rutgers to join FAIR v. Rumsfeld (involving the Solomon Amendment) as a party plaintiff.  Information about the litigation is enclosed.

I write to ask you to raise with the Senate Executive Committee my request that the Senate support the law faculty position on this issue and that the Senate join in requesting President McCormick to seek Board approval to join the litigation.

I am sending copies of this correspondence to the members of the Equal Opportunity Committee.

Thank you for your assistance.

Best Personal Regards,

Peter [Simmons]