Text of Memoranda to Provosts and New Brunswick Deans from UVP Seneca regarding Common Purposes Curriculum Task Force Recommendations

In Fall 2001 the University Senate passed a resolution endorsing recommendations of the Report of the Committee to Advance Our Common Purposes Curriculum Task Force.  The Senate's resolution included the following recommendation:  "That the University Senate enthusiastically endorses the Report and recommendations of the Committee to Advance Our Common Purposes Curriculum Task Force, and recommends that undergraduate deans and their curriculum committees consider incorporating intercultural learning objectives into their graduation requirements."  A copy of the Report was sent to you in my previous request for comments.  An additional copy is enclosed with a copy of the Senate Resolution.

[To provosts] Please ask the appropriate Deans on your campus to have their undergraduate curriculum committees consider the recommendation in the Report to incorporate intercultural learning objectives into the college or school graduation requirements.  Please inform me of the plans on your campus to address this recommendation by 31 May 2002.

[To NB deans] Please have your college or school undergraduate curriculum committee consider the recommendation in the report to incorporate intercultural learning objectives into the college or school graduation requirements.  Please inform me of your plans to address this recommendation by 31 May 2002.