Subject: Proposed University Copyright Policy
Date:    Thu, 1 May 2003 14:31:29 -0400
From:    Info <>
To:        "''" <>

To:             Members of the University Community

From:           Joseph J. Seneca

Re:             Proposed University Copyright Policy

        The Committee to Review University Copyright Policy has worked for more than two years to craft a copyright policy that addresses the copyright issues presented by the use of new technologies, preserves traditional faculty prerogatives to publish scholarly works, and is fair to all stakeholders in the University. The draft policy that has been submitted to me, an accompanying statement from the committee co-chairs, a list of frequently asked questions, and other context materials are now available for review by the University community at:  (click the copyright symbol in the upper right-hand corner of the Libraries home page). A form is available on the website for providing your comments. I encourage you to communicate your responses to the co-chairs. Early during the Fall 2003 Semester, the Committee will review the policy in light of the responses received and, if warranted, make revisions based on comments from the University community.
        I deeply appreciate the good and thorough work that has been done by the co-chairs, Marianne Gaunt, Director of the Rutgers University Libraries, and Robert Wood, Professor of Sociology, Camden, and by the Committee members in drafting such a thoughtful, careful, and comprehensive document. I look forward to the conclusion of the Committee's excellent work, as this document goes forward for review and has been discussed by the University community, with the goal of having a new copyright policy approved during the 2003/04 academic year.