October 20, 2004

TO:  Dr. Richard L. McCormick, President of the University

FROM:  Kenneth Swalagin, Executive Secretary of the University Senate

SUBJECT: Use of Social Security Numbers as Student Identification Numbers

The University Senate's Executive Committee has asked me to forward to you the attached Senate report on use of Social Security numbers as student identification numbers.  This report was produced jointly by the Senate's Executive Committee and Student Affairs Committee, and was approved by the Senate in October 2000.  It was subsequently sent to then-President Lawrence.

In the interim, former Senate Chair Kathy Scott has followed up with Mike McKay to ask what, if any, progress has been made on implementing the Senate's recommendations.  The Senate Executive Committee will consider Mr. McKay's response(s), and how to proceed, at its November 5 meeting.  Afterward, I will send you a summary of what we've been able to determine are plans and progress on discontinuing use of Social Security numbers, and will probably convey a request that you provide an administrative update on the issue to the Executive Committee at a subsequent meeting.

If I can provide any additional information on this before the Executive Committee acts on November 5, please let me know.  Thank you.