Text of President McCormick's October 12, 2004 Memorandum to Chairperson Cotter regarding Revisions to the University Code of Student Conduct:

In accordance with the University Code of Student Conduct (UCSC), Item 82, the Committee on Student Conduct (CSC) completed a review of our judicial policies and procedures in April 2002 (see attached).  Given the then pending change in administration, the University did not act on the CSC report at that time.

Dr. Gregory S. Blimling reviewed the CSC report upon his appointment as Vice President for Student Affairs in July 2004 and has recommended that the revisions to the UCSC proposed by the report be implemented for the Spring 2005 term.  Executive Vice President Philip Furmanski and I have accepted his recommendation and have authorized implementation of the UCSC revisions.  Accordingly, as required by Item 82 of the UCSC, I am writing to inform you of these issues.

The revisions to the existing UCSC that will be implemented do not materially alter any of the due process rights offered to students.  If anything, these rights have been extended by the addition of a new right of appeal for those students who elect to contest charges by disciplinary conference rather than full hearing.  Further, an additional prohibition against stalking has been included in the list of conduct offenses.  The other revisions primarily improve the readability of the Code, simplify internal procedures, and reflect long standing administrative practices related to student discipline.  The most substantive recommendation in the report is to initiate a committee to review the University Policy on Academic Integrity.  This recommendation too has been accepted, but the anticipated work on the Academic Integrity Policy need not further delay implementation of the other revisions to the UCSC.  It is therefore our intent to implement the revised USCS for the Spring 2005 term.