From: Michael McKay []
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2004 4:38 PM
To: Scott, Kathleen
Subject: RE: old Senate business

Kathleen - At the time that the Senate agreed to delay mandating a change from SSN's , we were in the process of implementing a suite of Oracle applications for an integrated administrative system.  We anticipated that upon completion of that, the university would take the next step and purchase a student system.  The new student system would be implemented without the use of SSN's.  All of this was put on hold when, because of budgetary constraints, the implementation of the integrated administrative system was put on hold.  As a result, we are no closer now in eliminating SSN's on our administrative systems than we were a couple of years ago.

However, we have been continuing to address this issue realizing our commitment to do so. You may remember that there were several suggestions made on how to move the university from using SSN's  to other forms of ID's. Since these were extant throughout the university (i.e. athletic facilities that require a SSN to sign out athletic facilities) I don't know of the results.  We are looking at ways we can reduce the use of SSN's on individual projects over which we have control.  Just last week we had a meeting with Ken Iusso and Mike Beals regarding this issue as it relates to hardcopy rosters that we print with SSN's.  We are thinking that we might be able to use the last four digits of the SSN on the rosters and are checking this out.

Please let me know if you have additional questions.

