PLEASE NOTE:  Although the University Senate recently approved revisions to its Bylaws which will affect elections, those revisions will not take effect until acted upon by Rutgers' Board of Governors.

1.  The Nominating Panel shall nominate one or more candidates for each office. At least one nominee for each office must not be a member of the Nominating Panel. There may be additional nominations from the floor.

2.  Nominate the following:

(At least one of the above must be from either Newark or Camden.) (At least one of the above eight must be from each of the following: Newark Campus, New Brunswick Campuses, Camden Campus.) Note: The Chairperson of the Senate is, ex officio, the third BOG Representative. 3.  In each case, prior consent of the nominee must be obtained before being placed on the slate presented to the Senate.

4.  In preparing the slate, the Nominating Panel shall consult with the Secretary of the Senate, who will serve as a nonvoting, ex officio member of the panel.

5.  The report of the panel shall be circulated to members of the Senate-elect at least ten days before a special meeting of the Senate-elect to be held in April for the purpose of electing officers.

University Senators may nominate candidates for 2005-2006 Senate officers and board representatives. The deadline for nominations to reach the Senate office is March 25, 2005.  (Nominations may also be made from the floor during the appropriate phase of the April 22, 2005 Senate meeting.)


Use the nomination form which was mailed to you by the Senate office, or contact the Senate office for a form.  Or just mail or e-mail the following information to the Senate office:
1.  Your name and the unit you represent in the Senate
2.  Whether you are a student, faculty, alumni or administrator Senator
3.  The NAME of the person you are nominating
4.  The POSITION for which you are nominating that person
5.  Whether your NOMINEE is student, faculty, or alumnus/a
6.  The reason(s) you believe this nominee should be elected to the position