Text of page given to Secretary Swalagin by Senator Pieczenik at 9/27/02 Senate meeting:

"Motions from Prof. George Pieczenik representing a poll of Cook College faculty.

"1.    Whereas, the dental insurance plan has been unilaterally changed to be capped at $3,000 per annum, let it be resolved that all dental work previously commenced prior to the change be reimbursed as uncapped.

"2.    Whereas, the traditional health plan has been unilaterally changed to direct reimbursement, thereby creating a gap in the procedure, wherein, various credit collection scams have evolved, let it be resolved that the health plan procedures for reimbursement be investigated by a committee of the Senate.

"3.    Whereas, Merck has unilaterally sent solicitations to Rutgers faculty for Medco mail order prescription services and whereas Merck has fraudulently used Medco revenues in its accounting procedures, let it be resolved that Merck be put on notice both fore its solicitations and its poor quality of rabies vaccine.

"4.    Whereas, a European group of Academic have petitioned for the unilateral censure and removal of Israeli academics from European Scientific bodies and whereas two Isreali academics have been removed from Editorial positions in Britain for reasonf of nationality alone, let it be resolved that such behavior will not be countenanced and any academic visiting and requesting visas from any such institutions supporting such behavior will be formally notified that he/she is at Rutgers by grace of a non-discriminatory academic policy of the State and University and that his/her behavior and his/her institution as such does not per se warrant such grace.

"5.    Whereas, Regeneron is a biotech company whose stock value has been decimated and whereas a Chairman of the Board of Governors is the CEO of Regeneron, let it be resolved that any investment of University money into Regeneron or Merck either through the TIAA-Cref pension fund or endowment be pre-approved by the University Senate.

"Sincerely yours,

"Senator George Pieczenik"