Subject:  Re: U. Senate Exec. C'tee 10/01/04 Agenda/Meeting
Date:  Thu, 30 Sep 2004 13:42:06 +0300
From: Paul Panayotatos <>
To: Ken Swalagin <>
CC:   "Martha A. Cotter" <>, Leslie Fishbein <>


I will miss this meeting as well but I would like to provide the Executive Committee with some background to one of Leslie's
potential charges, namely that of the annual faculty survey. Leslie probably avoided doing so out of humility.

The issue was dealt with in 1993 or 1994 by the NBFC Personnel Policy Committee at the time that the survey was about to
go on line for the first time. I served on that committee under Leslie's able chairmanship at the time (and forever since...). The
committee and the NBFC denounced the format of the survey as unusual, as not complying with typical CVs of any discipline
and suggested that a format compatible with form 1 (a,b,c) would be helpful in preparation of tenure/ promotion and would
also make faculty more familiar with the form. I seem to remember that the Provost was also supportive. The Lawrence central
administration responded that they were happy with the percentage of faculty responding and were not willing to do anything

I also seem to remember that the NBFC actually passed a resolution urging faculty to boycott the annual survey until that time
that the format becomes compatible with form 1 (a,b,c). In subsequent years, a letter to new faculty
( that the NBFC Personnel Policy Committee has drafted  resides on the home page of the
NBFC and, without repeating that resolution, simply steers new faculty towards record keeping that is compatible with form 1

It is high time to reconcile multiple reporting and the senate is the ideal forum to deal with the issue.




Paul Panayotatos