Report of the Rutgers University Senate Student Affairs Committee
On Charge S0208A
After-Hours Study Space, Classroom/Building Security and Vandalism
Tahirah Cooper Co-Chair
Matthew Ramsay Co-Chair
November 22, 2002


The Student Affairs Committee was given this charge:
“In support of Charge S-0208 to the Budget and Finance Committee, provide input on the kinds and amounts of after-hours study space that would meet student needs.  Include recommendations for all three campuses.  Provide advice on ways to make students more aware of problems of vandalism, vandalism’s impact on academic functions, as well as the cost of repairs that must be passed on to students.  Suggest ways in which greater respect for University facilities can be encouraged.”

The Student Affairs Committee proceeded to pose the question as to whether or not there was a need for after-hour study space on the three (3) Rutgers campuses.

COOK Campus report- ------In conclusion,  from speaking with the cook senators as well as cook students. The cook college students appear to  have all the amenities that they need for adequate study space and extended  hours.  Both the Library Director and the campus Center Director work hard to service the needs of the students.

Douglass College-

------The Mabel Smith Douglass Library------
Further research needs to be conducted on the Library.   The Library is expected to undergo reconstruction and a major portion of the area that students use to access books and computers will be shut off.  The reconstruction is being headed by Francis Puniello.

------In conclusion------
I believe that both Cook and Douglass have more than substantial study space and access to computer labs.  I will suggest that this knowledge be more publicized during finals and midterms.  In speaking with the students and staff member of the facilities there is a general consensus that students on Cook and Douglass would not fully utilize the implementation of 24 hour study space.  One of the major issues of supplying 24 hour study space are safety issues and financial burdens.  Will the colleges put more money towards police officers or student safety officers to patrol for extra hours? In addition,  Will it be feasible for the University to hire extra persons in the wake of our budget cuts.